Enums with associated types in Swift are the equivalent of unions, even if they 
don’t have the name. I don’t see what your proposal is trying to solve?

> On 15 May 2016, at 04:33, Cao Jiannan via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> It’s kind of same idea of TypeScipt 2, at 46:21 in this video.
> https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2016/B881 
> <https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2016/B881>
> <屏幕快照 2016-05-15 10.20.36.png>
>> 2016-2-16 GMT+8 14:36:28
>> Hi all,
>> I think the best way to solve the either problem is to separate it from 
>> generic. 
>> Optional and Either shouldn’t work the same way of generic type. 
>> It’s just a represent of multiple type in one location.
>> Using an old friend, Union in C.
>> union {
>>      case firstType
>>      case secondType
>> }
>> This is the final solution for the sub typing problem of optional.
>> A  == union(A,A)
>> union(A,B) == union(B,A)
>> B == union(B,B)
>> B is subtype of union(A,B)
>> A is subtype of union(A,B)
>> union(A,B,C) is subtype of union(A,B,C,D,…)
>> suppose 
>> a is subclass of A
>> b is subclass of B, then
>>      union(a,B) is subtype of union(A,B)
>>      union(A,b) is subtype of union(A,B)
>>      union(a,b) is subtype of union(a,B)
>>      union(a,b) is subtype of union(A,b)
>> union can have as many case as possible. e.g., union(A,B,C,D,…)
>> So the Optional<UITableView> should be union(UITableView, None)
>> and Optional<MyTableVIew> should be union(MyTableView, None), which is 
>> subclass of union(UITableView, None)
>> This is a final rational solution. I think.
>> -Jiannan
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