I would love to see flexible formatting styles be more easily available
like this.


On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 10:33 AM Daniel Martín <swift-evolution@swift.org>

> As Swift is getting traction in more and more platforms outside of
> Apple, we can expect that many coding styles different from what Apple
> imposes with SourceKit's indenting rules will emerge. According to
> https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-146, we now have decoupled indenting
> logic from SourceKit into its own library, and a "swift-format" tool is
> in the making.
> I am working on adding support for different coding styles to libIDE.
> For example, with my changes you could decide how a case label should be
> indented with respect to its parent switch context, among other things.
> The current, hard coded indenting decisions in libIDE could be named the
> "Apple" style, just like Clang supports Google, LLVM, Mozilla, coding
> styles for C++. Also, this is something that can be supported by
> external tools like Xcode quite easily.
> Do you think this is a good feature to have?
> --
> Daniel Martín
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