Definitely +1.

I've had a long discussion about this from one of the Xcode developers a few 
months back, pointing out that given how long has Xcode been around it has 
really really poor support for customizing the codestyle.

I really like what AppCode from JetBrains does - it allows you to even apply 
the code style automatically on save and allows you to customize it and have 
teams share the code style - something like StyleCop in C# (though I've never 
used it).

I do use Swimat (Xcode plugin) fairly often, which enforces spaces between 
operators, etc.

I've also tried out tailor ( <>) which is 
fairly nice, but can be too strict at times.

> On May 18, 2016, at 5:39 PM, Vincent Coetzee via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> +1
> I also hate the K&R brace style. Really want the ability to customize the 
> formatting of Swift code.
>> On 16 May 2016, at 22:42, Daniel Martín via swift-evolution 
>> <> wrote:
>> As Swift is getting traction in more and more platforms outside of Apple, we 
>> can expect that many coding styles different from what Apple imposes with 
>> SourceKit's indenting rules will emerge. According 
>> to 
>> <>, we now have decoupled indenting 
>> logic from SourceKit into its own library, and a "swift-format" tool is in 
>> the making.
>> I am working on adding support for different coding styles to libIDE. For 
>> example, with my changes you could decide how a case label should be 
>> indented with respect to its parent switch context, among other things. The 
>> current, hard coded indenting decisions in libIDE could be named the "Apple" 
>> style, just like Clang supports Google, LLVM, Mozilla, coding styles for 
>> C++. Also, this is something that can be supported by external tools like 
>> Xcode quite easily.
>> Do you think this is a good feature to have?
>> --
>> Daniel Martín
> Vince Coetzee 
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