> I’m not sure what you mean about introducing type unsafely.

What I mean is that once you do this:

        let x: AnyCollection<Character> = myArrayOfCharacters
        let y: AnyCollection<Character> = myString.characters

Both `x` and `y` have indices of type `Any<Comparable>`, and will now accept 
each others' indices:

        for i in x.indices {
                print(y[i])             // Oops!

If this rule:

> The generalized existentials proposal goes out of its way to be explicit 
> about the fact that only type safe operations would be visible through the 
> existential.

Is trying to say that this isn't the case because APIs using the collection's 
`Index` are not exposed on an `AnyCollection`, well, then I'm not sure what 
`AnyCollection` is actually supposed to be used for.

Brent Royal-Gordon

swift-evolution mailing list

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