Hey everyone,

I’m working on a draft for #warning in Swift. I’ve implemented the draft as it 
stands, and it’s pretty nice to work with.

I’ve pasted it below, and I’d love some feedback! Thanks!

— Harlan Haskins


Proposal: SE-NNNN 
Author: Harlan Haskins <https://github.com/harlanhaskins>
Status: Awaiting review 
Review manager: TBD

It's really common for developers to add TODO/FIXME comments in their source 
code, but there currently isn't a supported facility to make these visible. 
People have implemented special workarounds 
 to coax Xcode into emitting TODOs and FIXMEs as warnings, but there isn't an 
accessible way to provide arbitrary warnings, and does not work in a non-Xcode 


A #warning is for something you intend to fix before submitting your code or 
for writing future tasks that you or your teammates intend to complete later. 
Because this is such a common programming pattern, Swift should have a similar 


Add #warning(_:) as a new compiler directive that emits a warning diagnostic 
with the contents, pointing to the start of the message.

func configPath() -> String {
  #warning("TODO: load this more safely") // expected-warning {{TODO: load this 
more safely}}
  return Bundle.main().path(forResource: "Config", ofType: "plist")!

This will add two new productions to the Swift grammar:

compiler-control-statement → warning-directive
warning-directive → #warning( static-string-literal )
Upon parsing this statement, the Swift compiler will immediately emit a warning 
and discard the statement.

If a #warning exists inside a branch of a #if statement that is not taken, then 
no warning is emitted.

#if false
#warning(“This won’t exist”)
 on existing code

This change is purely additive; no migration will be required.


We could do some kind of comment-parsing based approach to surface TODOs and 
FIXMEs, but #warning serves as a general-purpose facility for reporting at 
compile time. Plus, not all TODO or FIXME comments should surface as warnings 
in the source.

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