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> On Jun 1, 2016, at 4:18 PM, Austin Zheng via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> After thinking about this topic for the past few days, I'd like to throw in 
> my support for "Any<>" as well. It's one magic construct to learn, looks like 
> a type, has the visual delineation, and shares continuity with both 
> protocol<> and Any today.
> I'd also like to express my support for the proposal to delineate generic and 
> existential syntax: all existentials must be written with Any<...>; generic 
> type constraints cannot use it. I hope this will make it clear to people 
> learning and using the language that, despite their superficial similarities, 
> they are actually two different concepts.

I'm neutral on the syntax.  But I strongly believe removing the ability to use 
protocol / Any in generic constraints *must* be accompanied by the introduction 
of a new (hopefully more robust) mechanism for factoring out common generic 

> Austin
>> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution 
>> <> wrote:
>> > [Proposal: 
>> >
>> >  ]
>> >
>> > I’m late again to this one, but the discussion’s certainly still going. 
>> > I’m pretty strongly against the bare ‘A & B’ syntax, for a few reasons:
>> >
>> > - Swift doesn’t use ‘&’ for anything except bitwise AND. In particular, it 
>> > didn’t get picked for set intersection.
>> I very, *very* much agree with this point. Thus far, Swift has been very 
>> conservative about overloading. It seems bizarre that we would violate that 
>> policy for these type combinators when much closer matches have been passed 
>> over.
>> I also think that using `&` absolutely *begs* to have an `|` as well, and as 
>> much as the Ceylon people clamor for them, I don't think union types make 
>> sense in Swift. Unlike Ceylon, Swift uses an algebraic data type for 
>> Optional, doesn't use type-erased generics, and supports overloading. As far 
>> as I can tell, *none* of the reasons cited in the Ceylon language design FAQ 
>> <> apply to 
>> Swift.
>> (P.S. That language design FAQ is a *fantastic* document.)
>> > - In theory people are allowed to overload ‘&’ to operate on types. That 
>> > doesn’t make sense for all types, but you could probably come up with a 
>> > particular type hierarchy or use of generics where it does make sense.
>> >
>> > - I don’t like types with spaces in them when the spaces aren’t bracketed 
>> > in some way. This is entirely an aesthetic objection, of the form “I don’t 
>> > naturally read that as a type, or even as a single unit, when looking at 
>> > code.” This isn’t a great objection because someone could have said it 
>> > about `[Int]` or `Int?` as well. (It would be a more realistic objection 
>> > if some of our brackets weren’t “<" and “>”.)
>> To augment this: I think that if we're going to see a lot of little `where` 
>> clauses attached to types, you kind of have to have a bracketing syntax to 
>> put them in. And no, `(Collection where .Element == String)` doesn't count. 
>> `()` is about precedence, and this isn't a question of precedence; it's a 
>> question of making the type read as a single unit.
>> > And I still support the ‘Any’ syntax, despite the “order doesn’t matter” 
>> > problem:
>> >
>> > - It’s consistent with the existing unconstrained ‘Any’ and with the 
>> > current dedicated wrapper types. If we didn’t think it was a good name for 
>> > those, we wouldn’t use it there either.
>> One of my concerns with the `&` syntax is that it leaves no good way to 
>> define `Any`. I don't like having a magic `&` operator *and* a magic `Any` 
>> keyword, neither of which derives from anything more general.
>> > - It’s easily learnable. It’s rare enough that someone wouldn’t be exposed 
>> > to it right away, like Optional, Array, and Dictionary sugar, but when 
>> > they do see it it’ll be obvious that it’s a type, and probably obvious 
>> > that it’s special because of the “Any”.
>> >
>> > - It’s a type; types always start with uppercase letters. (This has been 
>> > said plenty by others.)
>> >
>> > None of these are particularly strong arguments, I know, and I don’t have 
>> > a good alternate suggestion. But I did want to go on record as being in 
>> > favor of ‘Any’ and against a binary operator, even though that seems to 
>> > put me in the minority.
>> I suspect that at least part of this is simply greater enthusiasm. I know I 
>> checked out of this thread for a few days while the `&` guys ran rampant.
>> (P.S. A thought I had just now: If `Any` is our top type, then `All` would 
>> be a good name for our bottom type. And `All<Foo, Bar>` would be a good "All 
>> common supertypes of these types" operation. Both of these came up in the 
>> variadic generics thread, where we were talking about how to create a type 
>> representing any member of a tuple you were trying to splat in.)
>> --
>> Brent Royal-Gordon
>> Architechies
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