> On Jun 3, 2016, at 4:05 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon <br...@architechies.com> wrote:
>> I am not the only one who feels that way.  Quoting Brent:
>> "But if you're going to call `init(integerLiteral:)` like it's `init(_:)`, I 
>> don't think that's a good idea. Parameter labels are supposed to be 
>> significant; we don't want to lose that.”
>> I agree with this.  That is the motivation for my suggestion.  I think it’s 
>> at least worth discussing as an alternative to magically allowing an 
>> external parameter label to be omitted.  Brent, what do you think of my 
>> suggestion?
> I think it could be simpler:
>       public struct Literal<LiteralType> {
>               public let value: LiteralType
>               internal init(_value value: LiteralType)
>       }
>       public protocol IntegerLiteralConvertible {
>               associatedtype IntegerLiteralType
>               init(_ literal: Literal<IntegerLiteralType>)
>       }
> Only the standard library can create a Literal, which it would do by 
> constructing the IntegerLiteralType with its magic builtin literal stuff and 
> wrapping it. You still have your magic parameter aspect, but without any 
> actual magic, just access control. 

I like this solution as well as Xiaodi’s `@literal` idea better than the idea I 
came up with.  I think I like `@literal` best because it feels more appropriate 
to restrict an attribute to a specific context (signatures for literal 
convertible initializers) than anything else.  We don’t want to allow this in 
any other signatures and no types are restricted in that way.  The solution I 
came up with has that problem as well as the `#literal` “value” that is also 
restricted unlike other compiler generated values.  

I think our decision should be based upon which syntactic construct feels least 
inconsistent with other similar syntactic constructs and therefore feels the 
least arbitrary.  Restricting the usage of a generic `Literal` type to literal 
convertible initializers feels a little bit less arbitrary than allowing the 
call site to omit a label, but it feels a little bit more arbitrary than 
introducing an attribute that has a very specialized context of applicability.

> -- 
> Brent Royal-Gordon
> Architechies

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