Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 4, 2016, at 9:58 AM, Hooman Mehr <> wrote:
> How about this:
> Going back to Erica’s original example:
> func scaleAndCropImage(
>     image: UIImage,
>     toSize size: CGSize,
>     operation: (.Fit | .Fill) = .Fit
>     ) -> UIImage {
> And noting that we are already allowed to declare an enum inside the 
> function, compiler can generate  an enum scoped inside the function named the 
> label of the enum:
> func scaleAndCropImage(
>     image: UIImage,
>     toSize size: CGSize,
>     operation: (.Fit | .Fill) = .Fit
>     ) -> UIImage {
>       @_exposed num operation {
>       case Fit
>       case Fill
>     }
> Then you could declare a var:
> var myOperation: scaleAndCropImage.operation = .Fill
> Then you can call:
> let scaledImage = scaleAndCropImage(image: myImage, toSize: theSize, 
> operation: myOperation)
> @_exposed above would be a compiler private annotation for the auto generated 
> enum that will make if visible outside of the function. This way the impact 
> is minimal and such ad hoc enum would be just the same as any other enum. The 
> only big change in the compiler would be the ability to make some declaration 
> inside functions visible to the outside code.

The type name would be super verbose, but this does address the basic concerns 
I have with the original proposal and it is a lot simpler than structural 

>> On Jun 3, 2016, at 5:10 PM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
>> <> wrote:
>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On Jun 3, 2016, at 6:44 PM, Erica Sadun <> wrote:
>>>> On Jun 3, 2016, at 5:20 PM, Greg Parker via swift-evolution 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> What about the ABI? This sounds expensive to implement.
>>>> Consider this set of ad-hoc enum types:
>>>> (.a | .b)
>>>> (.c | .d)
>>>> Naive implementation: we'll represent these things as ints, with .a=1, 
>>>> .b=2, .c=1, .d=2.
>>>> The naive implementation breaks when a newly-loaded shared library or some 
>>>> library evolution adds this type:
>>>> (.a | .b | .c | .d)
>>>> In order to provide ABI stability in the face of arbitrary ad-hoc enum 
>>>> types we must ensure that every ad-hoc enum value has a globally unique 
>>>> ABI representation. 
>>>> You could constrain ad-hoc enum values to module or class boundaries and 
>>>> prevent creation of types that use values from different places. For 
>>>> example, if Foundation defines (.a | .b) then you can't define your own 
>>>> ad-hoc enum (.a | .b | .c) that is compatible with Foundation's value for 
>>>> .a. Then the implementation could use ordinary symbols. If usage of ad-hoc 
>>>> enums is not constrained then ordinary symbols don't work because there is 
>>>> no universally agreed-upon place where .a is defined.
>>> In my mind, the ad hoc enum must be tied to a specific function or method 
>>> signature. In doing so, it has a unique module/selector associated with it, 
>>> so it's not just .a but rather Foo.funcname.a (assuming no more than one ad 
>>> hoc enum per function) or Foo.funcname.3.a (assuming its the third 
>>> parameter of the selector). The conversation has drifted a bit from my 
>>> request.
>>> If the enum needs to be used in more situations, it needs to be a proper 
>>> enum because the semantics are tied to a higher level of visibility.
>>> I'm striving for enhanced readability in intent (for example, where !x is a 
>>> poor description of the option other than x, or even when there are >2 
>>> options that will never be used elsewhere such as fill, fit, scale) and in 
>>> expression (choosing self-annotating switch statements over if statements, 
>>> where its clear what each branch intends to do).
>>> These enums would be limited to basic hashValue types, and would appear in 
>>> QuickHelp as annotations of legal values to supply to the argument. My 
>>> intent is that there never be more than 3-5 enumeration cases used in this 
>>> anonymous fashion.
>> Are you still insisting that we not be able to declare a variable holding 
>> one of these to call the function with later?  If so, what is the 
>> justification for placing a burden on callers that the argument must always 
>> be a literal?  If not, how do you suggest a variable be declared?
>>> -- E
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