First of all, thank you all for bringing me up to date so quickly.  I
looked over the proposal and it looks awesome.

But as Chris mentioned, this doesn't solve the expected behavior and
ambiguity of ```Array<Int?>```

In this case I would expect the default behavior (myArray[4]) without using
myArray[checking: 4] should return a nil in this case.

And Chris, I think it would make the most sense to have myArray[0] = nil to
be stored if the index is in Range, and for myArray[100] = nil to give a
warning of no assignment being made because index is out of range, kind of
like an unused variable.  Right now myArray[100] = nil gives you
EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION.  Then if you assigned myArray[100] = 200, that would
have to simply change the Range.

Chris, I honestly have to think more about that ambiguity with dictionaries.

I can see that this would definitely need some further fleshing out, but it
seems to be sufficiently different from Luis' proposal to perhaps merit
it's own proposal.

It's up to you Luis, but I think this might be a bit more controversial
then the changes you've proposed, making it possible for your proposal
getting rejected.  (I want your proposal accepted, since I would use those
features today).  Partial acceptance of a proposal doesn't seem to be a
thing. (Once again please correct me if I'm wrong).

On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 11:46 AM Luis Henrique B. Sousa <>

> Thanks Vladimir,
> The correct link is this one (with the additional min/max operations in
> the implementation):
> Here is the pull request on the swift-evolution repo:
> Any help or suggestion to improve the proposal is welcome. :-)
> - Luis
> On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 6:10 PM, Vladimir.S via swift-evolution <
>> wrote:
>> Please find this draft of proposal(hope this is correct link for latest
>> version):
>> The main idea is to introduce 2 new subscript methods:  [clamping:] and
>> [checking:]
>> There was discussion in "[Proposal] More lenient subscript methods over
>> Collections" and (older) "[Proposal] Safer half-open range operator"
>> On 06.06.2016 19:50, Rob Norback via swift-evolution wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone!
>>> This is my first time emailing the swift evolution list, so if this topic
>>> has already been discussed please let me know.  I looked through all the
>>> accepted and rejected proposals and it doesn't seem to be on there.
>>> The main thought is that dictionaries return optionals, so why not
>>> arrays?
>>> Or other CollectionTypes for that matter.  I would think this would be
>>> the
>>> expected behavior in this situation:
>>> var myArray:[String?] = []
>>> print(myArray[4])
>>> // EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION, but could just be Optional(nil)
>>> Then you could do things like
>>> if let arrayValue = myArray[4] {
>>>    // do something
>>> }
>>> Of course you could simply check with with the count, but considering
>>> Swift's use of optionals to represent empty variables rather than
>>> erroring
>>> out or returning an empty String, I think this functionality would be
>>> appropriate to include in the Swift standard library.
>>> And there's about 15,000 people who've looked for this functionality in
>>> the
>>> last year:
>>> .
>>> Please let me know what you think.
>>> Best,
>>> Rob Norback
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