Hello Swifters,

While working on some framework programming, I had this idea that I would like 
to share with you.
If some other people like it, I would be more than happy to write a proposal.

Here is a little draft I wrote as a starting point to discuss.
Sorry if there is mistakes, I am not an english native speaker.
Thank you for your feedback.


Swift proposal: Access modifier blocks

This proposal introduces a refinement of the way to define access modifier and 
visibility scope.

The current keywords private, internal and public are nice, simple to use and 
makes sense. But, especially in the context of framework development, it can 
quickly becomes messy and confusing to define the visibility for each member 
variable, function or enum. Also it takes more time to write and is not ideal 
to visualize the public interface of a class.

If a class A has only a few members, that’s ok to write 

class A {
        public var member1: Int
        var member2: Int
        private var member3: Int

With a bigger class B, it will looks far less nice

class B {
        public var member1: Int
        var member2: Int
        private var member3: Int
        public var member4: Int
        var member5: Int
        private var member6: Int
        public var member7: Int
        var member8: Int
        private var member9: Int
        public var member10: Int
        private var member11: Int
        var member12: Int
        public var member13: Int
        var member14: Int
        private var member15: Int

And now, it’s really messy, takes more time to write and we need to think twice 
to visualize what could be the public interface of our framework.

The purpose of this proposal is to allow the definition of the access modifiers 
for a block of declarations.
Then our class B could be:

class B {
        // Ok then this is part of the public interface of my framework
        public { 
                var member1: Int
                var member4: Int
                var member7: Int
                var member10: Int
                var member13: Int
        // This can be used anywhere in my framework
        internal {
                var member2: Int
                var member5: Int
                var member8: Int
                var member12: Int
                var member14: Int
        // Here remains my private stuff. Don’t touch it ! Leave me alone ! My 
        private {
                var member3: Int
                var member6: Int
                var member9: Int
                var member11: Int
                var member15: Int

It increases readability, avoid to write many times the same keywords, which is 
quiet boring, and helps visualizing the architecture of the framework by 
highlighting what can create a dependency with other classes inside the 
framework and with code outside of the framework.

It might also be useful in protocols. For exemple, a protocol could define a 
set of methods that can be called only inside the framework and another public 
one that can be called from outside of the framework.
Classes defined outside of the framework could only implement the public stuff 
in the protocol.

It would have no impact on the existing code as the existing 
private/internal/public on every single line would still work outside of an 
access modifier block so developers could move to use this smoothly.


Please, let me know if you like the idea.


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