(From mobile)

> On Jun 14, 2016, at 8:41 AM, Charlie Monroe <> wrote:
>> I used to do low latency java for trading systems... the kind of coding 
>> where we would go out of our way to avoid ANY intraday gc activity (yes it 
>> can be done, even for parsing xml files). So we cared about a lot of 
>> things... But when you look at the numbers above on a 4_000_000 iterations 
>> loop and say the differential matters? I say you are probably using the 
>> wrong tools to write your code in the first place, and you should be using 
>> accelerate.
> Yes, I say it does matter. Of course, 4 million iterations is a fictional 
> example that rarely occurrs on its own, but gives you an idea that there's 
> more going on behind the scenes other than pure iteration.
> You're looking at it from a point where one app does one thing and the loop 
> will have just a few iterations. Try to look at it from a point where the 
> entire OS, all the processes and kernel  are written in Swift (might be 
> distant future, but Swift is heading that way, isn't it?).
> In such case if each for-loop takes a few extra instruction, then - again - 
> yes, it matters. I know we're not talking about all for-loops, just those 
> filtering the sequence - which seems not that common of a case - but my point 
> is valid, that Swift should provide easily-reachable means to be a "good 
> citizen". Removing it will lead developers to use .filter(_:) instead, in 
> order to save lines of code and additional typing.
> While many searches in open source code found a minimum usage of 
> for-in-where, I think this is not due to it being confusing, but just not 
> well known, otherwise it would be used a lot more. Most developers that have 
> prior programming experience will only skim through the Language Guide 
> itself, which doesn't mention that `where` can be used in for loops (!!!), or 
> even while loops and there isn't a single example where it would be used.
> Both
> and the ePub download on 
> Maybe I'm missing something, but the language guide only mentions `where` for 
> the switch-case scenario. So the argument (which floated around here) that 
> this is not being actively used is kind of moot since how could anyone be 
> using it since it's not properly documented and no one who doesn't closely 
> watch release notes can possibly know about this.

Non-argument... everything that has been removed was documented prior to its 

>> As for the '
>>> I've previously noted that if/guard-continue come in really close 
>>> speed-wise, which makes them candidates for a fix-it in case `where` is 
>>> indeed removed.
>>> My response here was solely to Jean-Daniel's note that he mustn't forget to 
>>> include the lazy accessor, pointing out that even the lazy accessor is 
>>> slower than using an inline check.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Brent Royal-Gordon
>>>> Architechies
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