I guess you don’t understand that a so called proposal should have enough 
details to explain the proposed behavior to someone who is not the author of 
the proposal. You’re offering is fine but a few unexplained lines of your gist 
wouldn’t make through a proposal review at all. I rather give a book to someone 
to read then a few unexplained samples where you’d scratch your head trying to 
figure out what my intention might mean. I’m sure you learned math theories not 
by looking at complex formulas without reading any explanation about what its 
parameter and mathematical-syntax mean, if you ever did. I’m not trying to 
insult here anyone so don’t take that to personal!

That said, I’m strongly against that ugly and not swifty looking _[ ] syntax. 
ClassName[Params] is okay but an empty _[ ] is just ugly. Again this is my 
personal opinion and it’s up to the core team to decide.

If we’d look at your so called ‘absurd’ example and imagine the shorthand 
syntax support class-requirements like proposed:

let v: UIViewController & UIWindow & UITableViewDelegate

there is definitely one thing that should happen for sure:

complier should raise an error at compile time right after typing out the whole 
existential type or even after UIViewController & UIWindow.
such an error message would provide enough informations for you that an 
existential type with class requirements cannot be composed with two classes 
(without nesting existentials)
Lets try nesting:

let v: UIViewController & (UIWindow & UITableViewDelegate)

this will again raise an error and tell you that UIViewController and UIWindow 
has no subtyping-relationship and are incompatible class types.

If you tried creating an existential type without reading and learning from 
docs first, lets say it’s your own fault that you will end up with these error 
messages, but either way you’d quickly learn how they behave.

That said, merging types to existentials with an infix & operator does look 
swifty to me (my opinion again) and is intuitive enough for that behavior.

You may ask for | operator, but this is a different story here. I’d support it 
to be able reduce overloading:

func foo(value: OneOf<A, B, C>) { … }
func foo(value: A | B | C) { … }

// Imagine AnyStruct and AnyEnum (they probably won't make it into Swift)
typealias AnyValue = AnyStruct | AnyEnum

// almost `Any`, we miss tuples and closures/functions here
typealias AnyExtendible = AnyValue | AnyObject

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 15. Juni 2016 um 06:27:19, L. Mihalkovic (laurent.mihalko...@gmail.com) 

You need 3 long paragraph to explain it, the alternative I offer requires none.


(From mobile)

On Jun 14, 2016, at 11:44 PM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
<swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

One more thing for clarity:

Any-class requirement: This must be the first requirement, if present. This 
requirement consists of the keyword class, and requires the existential to be 
of any class type.

Class requirement: This must be the first requirement, if present. This 
requirement consists of the name of a class type, and requires the existential 
to be of a specific class or its subclasses. There can be only one class name 
constraint, and it is mutually exclusive with the any-class requirement.

Nested any<...>: This requirement consists of another any<...> construct.

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 14. Juni 2016 um 23:42:00, Adrian Zubarev (adrian.zuba...@devandartist.com) 

Which addresses the fact that nons of the proposals so far truly prevent 
absurde declarations like:

Let v: Any< UIViewController, UIWindow, UITableViewDelegate>
Let v: UIViewController & UIWindow & UITableViewDelegate
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