Isn't this more caused by confusion about how infinite sequences work?

The prefix one is no longer an infinite sequence. The second one still is. The 
second one will always infinite loop unless you break


Sent from my iPad

> On Jun 22, 2016, at 5:28 PM, Erica Sadun via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
>> On Jun 14, 2016, at 8:16 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
>> <> wrote:
>> As you will see from earlier messages, the confused user is both quite real 
>> and *is* on this list. Nor, mind you, are pedagogical concerns to be 
>> trivialized; they are serious concerns for the design of the language. On 
>> what grounds do you assert that something is "not confusing at all" when 
>> there has been testimony saying "it was confusing to me"?
>> Some of us on this list interact regularly with novice coders. I draw upon 
>> these experiences here. Do you have some special insight you'd like to share 
>> in that regard?
>>> On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 20:57 Jon Akhtar <> wrote:
>>> How about the goal of it being a delightful language to program in. I think 
>>> that is getting lost in proposals like these. Optimizing for some mythical 
>>> new user, who really isn’t present on this list to give an opinion seems 
>>> like a false argument to make, and your technical sophistication makes you 
>>> a less qualified than most to say what is and what isn’t confusing to new 
>>> users because you haven’t been one in a long time.
>>> -1 Leve it in. It is perfectly simple as is. Not confusing at all. There 
>>> are far more confusing aspects to the language than this.
>>> Cheers
> Yet another case from a few minutes ago:
> [3:08pm] rullie: hi, could someone walk me through this 
> [3:08pm] rullie: why is it that for loop through an lazy infinite sequence 
> does not terminate even with the where clause invovled?
> [3:08pm] mikeash: "where" means "skip iterations when this condition is not 
> true"
> [3:08pm] mikeash: it doesn't mean "halt the loop when this is not true"
> [3:08pm] rullie: oh whoa.. ok
> [3:09pm] mikeash: it can't know that you'll never see another value < 100, so 
> it keeps on going
> [3:09pm] rullie: ok, i completely misunderstood the where clause then
> [3:10pm] mikeash: I can see how it might look like it does that
> [3:10pm] rullie: is there a syntax that achieves what i want to do without 
> having to have a if-break in the loop?
> -- E
> p.s. Posted with permission from both participants
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