> On Jun 24, 2016, at 7:43 PM, Andrew Trick <atr...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Jun 23, 2016, at 10:10 PM, L. Mihalkovic <laurent.mihalko...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Very cool...
>> Couple thoughts
>> UnsafeMutableRawPointer:
>> func store<T>(, WITH: T)
>> does not flow very well
>> Fill:with: seems nicer or write(, from:T) which means changing 'load' into 
>> 'read'
>> func read<T>(_ : T.Type) -> T
>> func write<T>(_: T.T.Type, from: T) (write even match the method doc)
> Yes but...
> - I was parrotting the current initialize(_: T.Type, with: T) style.
> - I was trying to establish consistency that `from` is used to copy from a 
> pointer which points to a range of elements.
> - Doesn't `fill` imply assigning a range of elements? That would make sense 
> for `storeRaw(contiguous:)` but not the others.
> - `store` by itself may imply assignment. Any previous value will not be 
> destroyed (we don't even know its type). The user needs to be aware of this, 
> at the expense of awkward naming. Safety is more important than convenience 
> here. Hence we need `storeRaw` or `storeBits`. There is a deliberate 
> assymetry between store and load because `load` will initialize its returned 
> value. `store` will not initialize the stored value. `initialize` should be 
> used for that.
> - `writeRaw` sounds a little weird. `writeBits` sounds better.

all makes sense.

>> UnsafeRawPointer.toType():
>> Should it nit be something like typed(as:) instead
> I like "typed(as:)" better than toType(_). I'm debating whether it should be:
> "unsafeCast(toType:)". It's a clarity/safety vs. verbosity tradeoff.

I like the watch-what-you-wish-for warning of unsafeCast.

I think it was really brilliant to introduce the extra step... basically echos 
the alloc/init dichotomy of objc, so it should feel familiar to people with 
this bkgnd

> -Andy
>> Regards
>> LM
>> (From mobile)
>>> On Jun 24, 2016, at 3:40 AM, Andrew Trick via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> I sent two RFC's for this proposal over the past couple months (see Early 
>>> swift-evolution threads). High-level feedback was fairly light. This 
>>> version is a final draft, as I expect it to go through the review process 
>>> next week. There is a lot more explanation and detail in this proposal now, 
>>> and the memory model has been simplified and clarified.
>>> https://github.com/atrick/swift-evolution/blob/voidpointer/proposals/XXXX-unsaferawpointer.md
>>> If you have opinions or suggestions on API syntax, please make yourself 
>>> heard. You can jump straight to the naming discussion here:
>>> https://github.com/atrick/swift-evolution/blob/voidpointer/proposals/XXXX-unsaferawpointer.md#variations-under-consideration
>>> Of particular interest may be the API names for:
>>> - Memory allocation/deallocation: fairly fundamental to the language.
>>> - Unsafe casting from raw pointers to typed pointers. This is going to 
>>> impact a lot of code that needs C interoperability.
>>> Keep in mind that we will make additive API improvements later for 
>>> convenience. We want the fundamentals to be clear, explicit, and reasonably 
>>> safe.
>>> -Andy
>>> <XXXX-unsaferawpointer.md>
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