Okay, well, I'm +1 on this. I like that we got rid of conversions from/to 
U/IntMax in favor of more general initializers and the bitshift enhancements. I 
think that most generic algorithms on integers will get simpler.

I'm not overly concerned/competent with floating-point numbers, but I'm sure 
that the people here will nitpick every last wrinkle that there could be.


> Le 24 juin 2016 à 14:34:37, Max Moiseev <mois...@apple.com> a écrit :
>> On Jun 23, 2016, at 8:47 PM, Félix Cloutier <felix...@yahoo.ca 
>> <mailto:felix...@yahoo.ca>> wrote:
>> Thanks for answering my questions earlier. I like a lot of the changes.
>> Speaking of heterogeneous comparisons again, though, how are comparisons of 
>> negative signed integers with unsigned integers handled?
> It is in the prototype: 
> https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/master/test/Prototypes/Integers.swift.gyb#L334
> <https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/master/test/Prototypes/Integers.swift.gyb#L334>
>> Félix
>>> Le 23 juin 2016 à 17:36:14, Max Moiseev via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> a écrit :
>>>> > For Integer, does the presence of signBit indicate an expectation that 
>>>> > signed Integers will have a two's complement representation?
>>>> Yes. That is correct.
>>>> So would this require a BigInt implementation to be in two's complement 
>>>> also? Most BigInt implementations use a separate sign I think, not sure if 
>>>> that's for performance reasons or merely convenience though.
>>> This is a very valid concern. I think I have discovered a truly marvelous 
>>> solution a way of addressing it:
>>> `signBitIndex` is only used (I’m talking about the prototype now) to 
>>> determine the absolute required minimum of bits needed to represent the 
>>> current value of number when converting it to a different type.
>>> So, instead of mentioning the sign bit, let’s call it what it is 
>>> ‘minimumRequiredWidth’ or something along this line. This move will also 
>>> allow the default implementation of `minimumRequiredWidth` to simply return 
>>> `bitWidth` for unsigned numbers and and `bitWidth - 1` for positive signed, 
>>> etc.
>>> This way bignum implementations don’t have to have any specific underlying 
>>> representation. They can either inherit the default implementation or 
>>> implement their own version of `minimumRequiredWidth` in case the 
>>> `bitWidth` has some extra unused space that is not absolutely required.
>>> I still need to validate this idea, these are just the thoughts. Any 
>>> comments are more than welcome.
>>> Max
>>>> On Jun 23, 2016, at 3:19 PM, Patrick Pijnappel <patrickpijnap...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:patrickpijnap...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> - I remain unconvinced that defining an Arithmetic that includes both 
>>>> exact and floating-point numbers is a good idea. All of the arguments from 
>>>> Swift 1 and 2 about why we didn't include this still seem relevant. To 
>>>> phrase it in generic programming terms, what algorithm would be generic 
>>>> over Arithmetic?
>>>> E.g. generic point/size/rect types.
>>>> > For Integer, does the presence of signBit indicate an expectation that 
>>>> > signed Integers will have a two's complement representation?
>>>> Yes. That is correct.
>>>> So would this require a BigInt implementation to be in two's complement 
>>>> also? Most BigInt implementations use a separate sign I think, not sure if 
>>>> that's for performance reasons or merely convenience though.
>>>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 7:40 AM, Jordan Rose via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>> Oh, one more comment: I suggest naming the primary protocol something 
>>>> other than "Integer", which IMHO is a little close to "Int" for a 
>>>> beginner. "Integral" is a bit too ambiguous, but maybe "IntegerArithmetic" 
>>>> or "ArithmeticInteger"? Or to go with the representation thing, 
>>>> "BinaryInteger"? (Some of the requirements are at odds with a 
>>>> decimal-based implementation.)
>>>> Jordan
>>>>> On Jun 23, 2016, at 13:50, Jordan Rose <jordan_r...@apple.com 
>>>>> <mailto:jordan_r...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hey, standard library folks. Glad we're doing this one. :-)
>>>>> - I remain unconvinced that defining an Arithmetic that includes both 
>>>>> exact and floating-point numbers is a good idea. All of the arguments 
>>>>> from Swift 1 and 2 about why we didn't include this still seem relevant. 
>>>>> To phrase it in generic programming terms, what algorithm would be 
>>>>> generic over Arithmetic?
>>>>> - What is Integer.init<T: FloatingPoint>(_:) supposed to do if the 
>>>>> floating-point value is larger than the maximum representable integer? 
>>>>> Smaller than the minimum? (As a special case, negative, when the integer 
>>>>> type is unsigned?) Infinity? NaN?
>>>>> - Integer.init<T: Integer>(_:) currently says "if it is representable". 
>>>>> It should say something like "trapping if it is not representable".
>>>>> - I find it odd that Integer.init(clamping:) privileges the bounds of 
>>>>> fixed-width integers. I was going to suggest it should take a range to 
>>>>> clamp to that defaults to the min and max, but that's not implementable 
>>>>> for a BigInt.
>>>>> - nthWord should count "from least-significant to most-significant" 
>>>>> rather than "from the right".
>>>>> - As mentioned before, it sounds like Integer requires a two's complement 
>>>>> representation (if only so the result of nthWord can be interpreted 
>>>>> correctly). That should probably be in the doc comment for the protocol.
>>>>> - Why is bitWidth in bits but nthWord in words? (I know there's a good 
>>>>> answer to this, but using them together seems like it will be common.)
>>>>> - It's also probably worth calling out even more explicitly that bitWidth 
>>>>> is a representation property, not a value property. That is, a BigInt 
>>>>> with the value "1" could have a bitWidth of 1, 8, or 128.
>>>>> - What does signBitIndex return if self is positive? I ask because it's 
>>>>> just not in the doc comment, but thinking about the answer made it 
>>>>> obvious that the correct return value for 0 is 0.
>>>>> - For signed integers, does remainder(dividingBy:) have specified 
>>>>> behavior for the sign of the result? See 
>>>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation 
>>>>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation>.
>>>>> - I do think having Swift.abs(_:) and Integer.absoluteValue is confusing, 
>>>>> but I don't know what to do about it.
>>>>> - Why are bitwise operations limited to fixed-width integers? I see "The 
>>>>> only difference is that because shifting left truncates the high bits of 
>>>>> fixed-width integers, it is hard to define what a left shift would mean 
>>>>> to an arbitrary-precision integer" further down, but I would just assume 
>>>>> it wouldn't truncate (i.e. it would be a pure multiplication by two).
>>>>> - Is there a requirement about left-shifting into the sign bit, for '<<' 
>>>>> and for '&<<'?
>>>>> - What is the ArithmeticOverflow type?
>>>>> - When does the remainder operation overflow? (I just can't remember.)
>>>>> - I feel a little weird having "someValue.and(mask)". Maybe bitwiseAnd or 
>>>>> bitwiseAND to be more explicit?
>>>>> - maskingShiftLeft/Right seem underspecified in their doc comments. Why 
>>>>> can't the protocol requirement just assume the shift amount has already 
>>>>> been masked, instead of performing the masking themselves? Is it because 
>>>>> we won't be able to optimize that away?
>>>>> I think that's about it. Great work, all!
>>>>> Jordan
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