> On Jun 27, 2016, at 8:46 PM, Dave Abrahams <dabrah...@apple.com> wrote:
> on Mon Jun 27 2016, Erica Sadun <erica-AT-ericasadun.com> wrote:
>>> On Jun 27, 2016, at 4:47 PM, Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> Maybe we could say that the type gives form to the literal or embodies
>>>> the literal? Thus maybe a name like `IntegerLiteralEmbodiment` or
>>>> `IntegerLiteralManifestation`, maybe even `IntegerLiteralModeling`.
>>> The first two names are so esoteric that I can't imagine them being 
>>> anything but
>>> confusing, and “Modeling” is redundant; everything that conforms to a
>>> protocol models that protocol.
>>> If we were to add words to the name, I'd go with
>>>  IntegerLiteralExpressible
>>> I *think* I still would want to sink this name into the Syntax
>>> namespace, though.
>> You didn't respond to my earlier suggestion so I'd like to pitch it again.
>> What about "Syntax.IntegerLiteralConsumer", which suggests that
>> conforming types can consume integer literal syntax as native to their
>> type.
> To me, the idea of a type (other than, say, a parser) consuming syntax
> is pretty alien.  So this one is sorta esoteric too, IMO.
> -- 
> Dave

It may be sorta esoteric, but I'd say it's a fair degree clearer to the intended
audience of Swift developers.

I ran a one-question poll last night about "Syntax.IntegerLiteralExpressible".
I asked what Swift developers (who were not following this discussion) thought 

The results can be found here:
A tab at the top lets you view individual answers paired with explanations.

By a margin of at least like 9:1 (more if you include the freeform answers of 
"why" such as
answer 80, which says "It reminds me of StringLiteralExpressible which behaves 
that way.
But you're right, the name sounds like the other option.") developers thought 
that the 
protocol meant (or should mean) that the conforming type could express itself 
as an integer 
literal, and not that an integer literal can be expressed as the conforming 

I encourage you to look at the individual responses. They include the freeform 
that describe why each person chose as they did.

-- E

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