> On Jun 28, 2016, at 19:03, Matthew Judge <matthew.ju...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Comments inline.
> On Jun 28, 2016, at 04:14, David Hart via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I tried using the access rules defined in SE-0025 in some code of mine to 
>> see what effect it would have. I came out of the experiment more 
>> disappointed than I thought. Here are several reasons:
>> 1) The new rules make `private` more prominent compared to `fileprivate` 
>> (the latter has a somewhat worse name). But at the same time, the Swift 
>> community has developed a style of coding where a type is defined through a 
>> set of extensions. To hide members from other types, but have access to them 
>> inside the type extensions, we have often used `private` and placed the type 
>> and its extensions in the same file. Because `private` is scoped, we are 
>> forced into using `fileprivate` pervasively (which is uglier), using 
>> `internal` instead (which is less safe) or moving the extension code into 
>> the type's scope (which is against the way Swift code is being written 
>> today). All of these options look worse to be than before SE-0025.
> If I understand SE-0025 (even with the amendment) you can still spell the 
> access modifier to types as 'private' and get the same characteristics as the 
> pre-SE-0025 meaning or private, so I'm not sure I understand the concern 
> here. However (continued below)
>> 2) The new amended rules look complicated to me. I think they have the risk 
>> of being confusing in practice, but we’ll have to see.
> I definitely agree that the amended rules look complicated. It seems to me 
> that the amended set of rules is favoring simplifying the implementation over 
> simplifying the mental model.
> My impression of what SE-0025 decided was that 'private' meant private to the 
> enclosing scope. If the access modifying 'private' was applied to a type at 
> the file scope, then it was synonymous with fileprivate and the default 
> access of members of that type should be fileprivate.
> If a inner type was declared private, than the default access of members of 
> that inner type should be private to the Outer type, not fileprivate. There 
> is currently no way of expressing this access explicitly, but it does not 
> seem like an especially useful thing to need to spell.
> Said in code, my impression of SE-0025 is that 
> private class Outer { // exactly equivalent to fileprivate
>     var myVar = 0 // default: fileprivate
>     private class Inner { // private to Outer
>         var hiddenVar = 0 // default: private to Outer
>         private var reallyHiddenVar = 0 // default private to Inner
>     }
> }

This is definitely one of the considered alternatives. Both Brent and I didn’t 
like the idea of an access level that you couldn’t actually spell, and even if 
we got past that, we’d still need a way to refer to it in documentation and 
diagnostics. I would count that as a larger change than just allowing 
‘fileprivate’ in places that previously would have been called redundant.


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