As with the original proposal, your examples here don't obey the Naming 

If we're going to pretend that Swift is C, we wouldn't have a distinction 
between argument labels and parameter names in the first place!

Is there an example of two functions, obeying the naming guidelines, which have 
different argument labels (not parameter names) for parameters of the same 
type, where it makes sense to cross-call them?


> On Jun 30, 2016, at 1:11 PM, Vladimir.S <> wrote:
> On 30.06.2016 21:56, Scott James Remnant via swift-evolution wrote:
>>> They already *are* type compatible. This works right now:
>>> var a : (ofHits: Int, forRuns: Int) -> Bool = meetsBattingAverage a =
>>> sinkBattleship // ??? a(ofHits: 1, forRuns: 2)
>> Your proposal does not make it clear that this works (which is
>> surprising to me).
>> I would argue the proposal the other way: that there should be an error
>> on line 2, and this should not be permitted implicitly.
> I'm not sure if this is a definitely bad thing. Let's assume I have a number 
> of funcs with similar but different labels and I want to define a function 
> variable with another labels and assign one of these funcs:
> func foo(one: Int, two: Int) {..}
> func bar(first: Int, second: Int) {..}
> var a : (alfa: Int, betta: Int) -> () = foo
> a(alfa: 1, betta: 2)
> a = bar
> a(alfa: 1, betta: 2)
> But the type of `a` is still (Int, Int) -> () the same as for `foo` and `bar`
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