Great story! What gets us from 95% to 100%? :)

> On 1 Jul 2016, at 05:33, Jordan Rose via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
>>> On Jun 30, 2016, at 13:36, Taras Zakharko via swift-evolution 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> On 30 Jun 2016, at 22:11, Austin Zheng <> wrote:
>>> As for the label semantics, Swift's current behavior is actively 
>>> misleading, please see the example in the prior email. There are no 
>>> meaningful semantics in the label, because implicit conversion between 
>>> differently-labeled function types means that there is no way to usefully 
>>> enforce these invariants to begin with.
>> That is a good point. I admit to not knowing this (I strongly expected that 
>> labels would be semantically meaningful). But what exactly is the status of 
>> the argument labels than in Swift? Just a documentation device  for the 
>> programmer and a  hint for the compiler to do function dispatch? But if the 
>> compiler indeed does dispatch on argument labels, then they are not 
>> completely void of semantics, are they?  As I mentioned before, I think the 
>> problem here is much deeper. 
>> The state of affairs I would prefer is something along these lines:
>> 1. Labels are semantically meaningful
>> 2. There is an explicit casting system for function signatures
>> 3. This casting system should be in close correspondence to tuples. The 
>> "function argument lists look sort of like tuples“ is a very compelling 
>> reason actually, because of the principle of the least surprise. If I have 
>> two things in the language that look very similar, then its very confusing 
>> if they  exhibit very different behaviour. Again, I am not proposing that 
>> one goes back to model functions in terms of tuples. But as long as there is 
>> a surface resemblance (and an obvious morphisms between the two), at least 
>> some aspects of their design should be kept in sync. 
>> But again, this touches on some deep design decisions for the language, so I 
>> — as an amateur — don’t feel in my plate discussing this here. I believe 
>> that there currently might be some inconsistencies in the language design 
>> that should be sealed with (but maybe they are no inconsistencies at all and 
>> I simply have false expectations). 
> Language history, a.k.a. story time!
> We started out with the “perfect” model of a function type being a map from a 
> tuple to a tuple. Different argument labels were just overloads. It really 
> was quite a simple model, other than not having 1-tuples. Well, and variadics 
> and default values and trailing closures didn’t make sense anywhere but in 
> functions, but still. Very simple.
> (And inout. And autoclosure. And maybe a few more.)
> Then we hit a snag: naming guidelines. We wanted argument labels to be 
> something people felt comfortable using, something that would be encouraged 
> over a sea of unlabeled arguments. But even before the Swift 3 naming 
> conventions were hammered out, the natural names for argument labels didn’t 
> seem to match the names you’d want to use in the function. So we split the 
> names of parameters off from the names of tuple elements.
> (This was precipitated by wanting to import Objective-C methods, but I think 
> it would have come up regardless.)
> As seen earlier in the thread, argument labels don’t make for good tuple 
> element labels. Especially with the Swift 3 guidelines, argument labels 
> usually don’t make sense without the context provided by the base name, and 
> two methods that happen to share argument labels might not actually be very 
> similar, while two methods that are duals of each other might have different 
> argument labels due to, well, English (e.g. 'add(to:)' vs. 'remove(from:)’).
> The real blow, however, came with that very first idea: that we could treat 
> methods with different argument labels as simple overloads in type. This led 
> to poor diagnostics where the compiler couldn’t decide whether to believe the 
> types or the argument labels, and might tell you you have the wrong argument 
> labels rather than a type mismatch. For pretty much every Apple API, this was 
> the wrong decision. On top of all that, it was really hard to refer to a 
> method when you didn’t want to call it. (Most methods with the same base name 
> still have unique labels, so you don’t need the types to disambiguate.)
> So we introduced the notion of “full names”, which are the things you see 
> written as ‘move(from:to:)` (and which are represented by DeclName in the 
> compiler). Almost immediately diagnostics got better, testing optional 
> protocol requirements got shorter, and a lot of compiler implementation got 
> simpler.
> And then we kind of got stuck here. We have full names used throughout the 
> compiler, but tuple labels still appear in types. They’re still used in 
> mangling. We got rid of the “tuple splat” feature, but still model 
> out-of-order arguments as “tuple shuffles”. And we allow a number of 
> conversions that look like they should be invalid, but aren’t.
> (And it’s important that we continue allowing them, or at least some of them, 
> because we want to be able to pass existing functions to things like map and 
> reduce without worrying about conflicting labels.)
> So we’ve given up the perfect ideal of tuple-to-tuple. But we did it because 
> we value other things more than that ideal: variadics, default values, 
> trailing closures, inout, autoclosure, distinct argument labels and parameter 
> names, referencing a function by full name, and diagnostics that better match 
> the user’s likely intent (particularly given the naming guidelines and 
> existing libraries). I think that’s a worthwhile trade.
> Jordan
> P.S. Anyone is allowed to think this is not a worthwhile trade! But part of 
> the purpose of this story is to show that we’re already 90% of the way 
> towards making tuples and function arguments completely separate, even if 
> they have similar syntax. This proposal gets us to maybe 95%.
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