> How would this look in the exported API? Would it simply show itself as not 
> inheriting from anything? If your base class inherited from something (e.g. 
> NSObject), would the public subclasses show themselves as direct subclasses 
> of that superclass (NSObject)?
I wouldn't care, but the last option sounds sensible (although I hope I'll 
never have to directly subclass NSObject in the future ;-)

> IMHO these things can be solved by private protocols with default 
> implementation to reuse the code:
Not everything can be solved with protocols (stored properties, anyone?)

> Or you can just create a private class and use its instance in your classes:
> internal class MyClassImplementation {
>       /// Implement shared code
> }
> public class MyClass {
>       private var _impl = MyClassImplementation()
> }
> Which is fairly common solution.
Those six lines are written easily, but they don't do anything, so you have to 
add tons of boilerplate to do forwarding — and you destroy the internal class 
Do you see a problem with "internal init"?

> Anyway, this is definitely out of scope of Swift 3 and as has been pointed 
> out several times in the past month here, all discussions here should now 
> focus on Swift 3 features.
Sorry, I've been busy with other things lately…
I know that anything that breaks compatibility with existing source has top 
priority now, and that there most likely won't be any resources to integrate 
stuff that doesn't fulfill that criterion — but has there been an actual 
announcement that no discussions about purely additive changes should be 
started at all?

Best regards,
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