> Xcode creates warning as you type

And the warnings also tend to obscure my typing (rdar://27141386 - warning
box occludes typing when trying to fix a warning).

I turn live issues off (even though that kind of breaks playground error
reporting - rdar://27162167 - playgrounds don't show any errors unless Live
Issues is on) - I know enough of what I'm doing to where I can wait until
the code isn't in an indeterminate state any more and then kick off a build
to error-check.

command-control-M is also a favorite keystroke to hide the in-editor
notices.  You still get them in the gutter.


On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 5:00 AM, Tino Heth via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

> A try that isn't needed is suspicious… but imho there is a problem with
> warnings, but that isn't primarily caused by Swift itself.
> Xcode creates warning as you type, and those often don't help, but just
> distract, as most of them aren't actually dangerous at all:
> - Yes, I'm not using this value yet… but I promise I'll do so five lines
> further down
> - The same with vars that are waiting for their first change
> (those two are the worst for me)
> Things like those don't help me at all, but are rather a distraction — but
> I'm no fan spoon-feeding in general, and would prefer to move most
> Swift-warnings out of the compiler and into a linter.
> Tino
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