> This argument comes up often, but I side with some of the smartest people in 
> the industry who say the safest thing to do is actually crash, just like 
> Swift does in this case.
I don't like supporting positions with claims like "the smartest people say", 
and I personally renounce from doing so — even when I can cite a tangible name… 
and I think that you are walking on thin ice here in an attempt to prove 
something wrong just because it's coming from the other party in an discussion:
If being forced to check for existence of data is really less safe than 
crashing, a major element of Swift is nonsense.
Imho it's smarter to admit that this is a case where Swift does not want to pay 
the price for a little increase in safety — after all, this is only a sideshow 
with little effect on the actual topic.
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