> Isn't half of this done, or something? I seem to remember seeing code
> about it, and I think there may even be a hidden switch to enable what is
> there.

The parsing code seems to be in place, toggled by the flag Context.LangOpts.

Is this still blocked by support elsewhere?

On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 2:19 PM, Karl Wagner via swift-dev <
swift-...@swift.org> wrote:

> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/tree/master/proposals/0092-typealiases-in-protocols.md
> Isn't half of this done, or something? I seem to remember seeing code
> about it, and I think there may even be a hidden switch to enable what is
> there.
> Sent from my new Email
> <https://itunes.apple.com/app/apple-store/id922793622?pt=814382&mt=8&ct=my_new_email>
> On Jul 15, 2016 at 7:46 PM, <Ted Kremenek via swift-dev
> <swift-...@swift.org>> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Swift 3 has shaped up to be a remarkable release — a product of the
> inspiration, ideas, and hard labor many people from across the Swift open
> source community. It is now time, however, to talk about the endgame for
> the release.
> Here are the key points:
>    -
>    The last day to take planned source-breaking changes for Swift 3 is *July
>    27*.
>    -
>    On that day, there will likely be a set of
>    approved-but-not-implemented proposals for Swift 3 — including proposals
>    for source-breaking changes. Will have an open discussion on that day on
>    the fate of those unimplemented proposals in the context of Swift 3 and
>    future Swift releases.
>    -
>    Starting on *August 1* we will open up discussion about Swift 4. Part
>    of this discussion will likely be guided by important work that was
>    deferred from Swift 3, as well as the a goal of achieving binary stability
>    in Swift 4. Until then, however, discussion should remain focused on Swift
>    3.
>    -
>    Note that there is an intentional gap of a few days between the last
>    planned day to take source-breaking changes for Swift 3 and when we start
>    talking about Swift 4. The idea is to provide some time for the community
>    to take stock of where things have ended up for Swift 3.
>    -
>    The final branching plan for Swift 3 development is to be determined,
>    but the final convergence branch is likely to be cut from master around
>    that date or shortly after. Part of it comes down to the discussion on
>    July 27 on how to handle the remaining unimplemented proposals for
>    Swift 3.
>    -
>    The final release date for Swift 3 is TBD, but essentially after July
>    27 the intent is that Swift 3 is in full convergence and not in active
>    development.
> With these dates in mind, I want to call attention to some
> approved-but-not-yet-implemented proposals that currently I have nobody on
> Apple's Swift team able to tackle in the next couple weeks:
>    - SE-0042: Flattening the function type of unapplied method references
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/tree/master/proposals/0042-flatten-method-types.md>
>    - SE-0068: Expanding Swift Self to class members and value types
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/tree/master/proposals/0068-universal-self.md>
>    - SE-0075: Adding a Build Configuration Import Test
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/tree/master/proposals/0075-import-test.md>
>    - SE-0096: Converting dynamicType from a property to an operator
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/tree/master/proposals/0096-dynamictype.md>
>    - SE-0077: Improved operator declarations
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/tree/master/proposals/0077-operator-precedence.md>
>    - SE-0092: Typealiases in protocols and protocol extensions
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/tree/master/proposals/0092-typealiases-in-protocols.md>
>    - SE-0110: Distinguish between single-tuple and multiple-argument
>    function types
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/tree/master/proposals/0110-distingish-single-tuple-arg.md>
> Some proposals — like SE-0075
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/tree/master/proposals/0075-import-test.md>
>  —
> are things we can add at any time, but many of the others tie into the goal
> of achieving some degree of source-stability for Swift in Swift 3. I'm
> letting the community know that these proposals currently have no
> implementation traction in case there is interest in helping make them
> happen in time for Swift 3.
> Related, I'd like to call out a special thanks to the community for
> getting implementation traction on SE-0095:
>    - SE-0095: Replace protocol<P1,P2> syntax with P1 & P2 syntax
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/tree/master/proposals/0095-any-as-existential.md>
> Currently there is a JIRA issue <https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-1938>
>  and pull request <https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/3293> tracking
> work on implementing this proposal.
> In addition to these language proposals, there is also an assortment of
> outstanding work for the Standard Library that would be great to do for
> Swift 3. There is a gist summarizing those tasks:
>    - https://gist.github.com/gribozavr/37e811f12b27c6365fc88e6f9645634d
> These tasks are broken down in relative order of difficulty, with a JIRA
> issue associated with each one of them. If a JIRA isssue is currently not
> assigned to anyone, please consider them fair game to tackle if you are
> interested. API changes that have currently not gone through the evolution
> process will still need an evolution proposal, even if they are listed in
> the gist. If you take on a specific task, please assign the JIRA issue to
> yourself so others know it is being tackled.
> Thank you to everyone — and I mean *everyone* — who has contributed to
> making Swift 3 happen.
> Ted
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