> On 26 Jul 2016, at 16:15, Dave Abrahams wrote:
>>> b. they are given a recognizable domain-specific notation such as:
>>>  x.removeSubrange($+n..<)
>>>  x.removeSubrange(..<$-n)
>> Does $ represent the start, the end, or either one depending on which
>> side of the range we're on? Because if it's the third option, I think
>> these two operations are actually inverted: the first is removing
>> everything *except* the `prefix(n)`, and the second is removing
>> everything except the `suffix(n)`.
> Wow, that was impressive!  With one stroke, you have just convinced me
> that we can't do this.  The fact that I got it wrong, along with other
> excellent feedback in this thread, kills my interest in using $ in this
> way.

This would also conflict with one of the following:

1. Allowing `$` for the Dollar library.


2. Reserving `$` for the debugger.


(The latter "test and merge" is failing for some reason).

-- Ben

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