Shouldn't it be "fn1 = fn0"? Same for the fn2 statements. 

`var fn0: A->Void = {print(v0)} 
var fn1: (A|B)->Void = {print(v0)} 

 fn0 = fn1 // OK, because Original Type and Union Type has a sub-typing 
relationship var 

fn2: (A|B|C)->Void = {print($0)} 

 fn0 = fn2 // OK 
 fn1 = fn2 // OK`

> On Aug 10, 2016, at 9:28 PM, Cao Jiannan via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to make a discussion about union type for swift 4.
> See 
> Add union type grammar, represents the type which is one of other types.
> var stringOrURL: String | URL = "";
> Now, if we using the new union type feature, we can declare type 
> conveniently, No other type declaration, and compiler will automatically 
> calculate the common interface.
> func input(value: A | B | C) {
>     print(value.commonProperty) // type checker will calculate the common 
> interface, developer just use it out of box
>     switch value {
>     case let value as A:
>         // value is type A
>         print(value.propertyInA)
>     case let value as B:
>         // value is type B
>         print(value.propertyInB)
>     case let value as C:
>         // value is type C
>         print(value.propertyInC)
>     }
>     // there is no default case other than A, B or C. we already declared 
> that.
> }
> Note: A, B, C can be either class or protocol, or any other types. This 
> leaves developer more freedom.
> Impact on existing code
> This is a new feature, developer who need declare common type will alter to 
> this new grammar.
> Enum based version optional or IUO will be replaced by Union-based ones. Any 
> optional type will automatically replaced by union type
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