The utf16 property can already be subscripted with an Int, just as you
desire, if you import Foundation. (See the code for corelibs-foundation for
an intriguing discussion of why you must import Foundation at the moment.)

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 02:00 Michael Savich <>

> What about adding a property to String called naiveCharacters (someone
> come up with a better name) that can be subscripted with an Int a la Swift
> 1.0, and if it leads to runtime errors at least the programmer was warned?
> We could make this property an optional that is only non-nil if the String
> was created using literal syntax.
> Of course there is the risk that tying arbitrary behavior to the literal
> syntax might be too weird for a language feature, but it's an idea.
> Sent from my iPad
> > On Aug 15, 2016, at 2:50 PM, Xiaodi Wu <> wrote:
> > The ship has sailed on that decision, I'd imagine.
> >
> > But in any case, debugging strings would still need to support Unicode
> because file paths, etc., need to be Unicode-aware. IMO, you're right that
> a clear distinction between UI and non-UI is useful, but that doesn't break
> down into Unicode vs. ASCII, and it's not clear to me that strings used for
> these two purposes need or should have distinct APIs.
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