It's 2016, "the thing people would most commonly expect"
impossible-to-screw-up Unicode support that's performance. Optimizing
developer experience for beginning developers is just going to lead to
software that screws up in situations the developer doesn't anticipate,
as F+¬lix notes above.


On Wed, Aug 17, 2016, at 09:40 AM, Kenny Leung via swift-evolution
> I understand that the most friendly approach may not be the most
> efficient, but that’s not what I’m pushing for. I’m pushing for "does the
> thing people would most commonly expect”. Take a first-time programmer
> who reads any (human) language, and that is what they would expect.
> Why couldn’t String’s internal storage format be glyph-based? If I were,
> say, writing a text editor, it would certainly be the easiest and most
> efficient format to work in.
> -Kenny
> > On Aug 15, 2016, at 9:20 PM, Félix Cloutier <> wrote:
> > 
> > The major problem with this approach is that visual glyphs themselves have 
> > one level of variable-length encoding, and they sit on top of another 
> > variable-length encoding used to represent the Unicode characters 
> > (Swift-native Strings are currently encoded as UTF-8). For instance, the 
> > visual glyph 🇺🇸 is the the result of putting side-by-side the Unicode 
> > INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER S"), which are themselves encoded as UTF-8 using 4 
> > bytes each. A design in which you can "just write" string[4544] hides the 
> > fact that indexing is a linear-time operation that needs to recompose UTF-8 
> > characters and then recompose visual glyphs on top of that.
> > 
> > Generally speaking, I *think* that I agree that human-geared "long string" 
> > on which you probably won't need random access, and machine-geared smaller 
> > strings that encode a command, could benefit from not being considered the 
> > same fundamental thing. However, I'm also afraid that this will end with 
> > more applications and websites that think that first names only contain 
> > 7-bit-clean characters in the A-Z range. (I live in the US and I can attest 
> > that this is still very common.)
> > 
> > You could make a point too that better facilities to parse strings would 
> > probably address this issue.
> > 
> > Félix
> > 
> >> Le 15 août 2016 à 10:52:02, Kenny Leung via swift-evolution 
> >> <> a écrit :
> >> 
> >> I agree with both points of view. I think we need to bring back 
> >> subscripting on strings which does the thing people would most commonly 
> >> expect.
> >> 
> >> I would say that the subscripts indexes should correspond to a visual 
> >> glyph. This seems reasonable to me for most character sets like Roman, 
> >> Cyrillic, Chinese. There is some doubt in my mind for things like 
> >> subscripted Japanese or connected (ligatured?) languages like Arabic, 
> >> Hindi or Thai.
> >> 
> >> -Kenny
> >> 
> >> 
> >>> On Aug 15, 2016, at 10:42 AM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
> >>> <> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Michael Savich via swift-evolution 
> >>> <> wrote:
> >>> Back in Swift 1.0, subscripting a String was easy, you could just use 
> >>> subscripting in a very Python like way. But now, things are a bit more 
> >>> complicated. I recognize why we need syntax like 
> >>> str.startIndex.advancedBy(x) but it has its downsides. Namely, it makes 
> >>> things hard on beginners. If one of Swift's goals is to make it a great 
> >>> first language, this syntax fights that. Imagine having to explain 
> >>> Unicode and character size to an 8 year old. This is doubly problematic 
> >>> because String manipulation is one of the first things new coders might 
> >>> want to do. 
> >>> 
> >>> What about having an InternalString subclass that only supports one 
> >>> encoding, allowing it to be subscripted with Ints? The idea is that an 
> >>> InternalString is for Strings that are more or less hard coded into the 
> >>> app. Dictionary keys, enum raw values, that kind of stuff. This also has 
> >>> the added benefit of forcing the programmer to think about what the 
> >>> String is being used for. Is it user facing? Or is it just for internal 
> >>> use? And of course, it makes code dealing with String manipulation much 
> >>> more concise and readable.
> >>> 
> >>> It follows that something like this would need to be entered as a literal 
> >>> to make it as easy as using String. One way would be to make all String 
> >>> literals InternalStrings, but that sounds far too drastic. Maybe 
> >>> appending an exclamation point like "this"! Or even just wrapping the 
> >>> whole thing in exclamation marks like !"this"! Of course, we could go old 
> >>> school and write it like @"this" …That last one is a joke.
> >>> 
> >>> I'll be the first to admit I'm way in over my head here, so I'm very open 
> >>> to suggestions and criticism. Thanks!
> >>> 
> >>> I can sympathize, but this is tricky.
> >>> 
> >>> Fundamentally, if it's going to be a learning and teaching issue, then 
> >>> this "easy" string should be the default. That is to say, if I write `var 
> >>> a = "Hello, world!"`, then `a` should be inferred to be of type 
> >>> InternalString or EasyString, whatever you want to call it.
> >>> 
> >>> But, we also want Swift to support Unicode by default, and we want that 
> >>> support to do things The Right Way(TM) by default. In other words, a user 
> >>> should not have to reach for a special type in order to handle arbitrary 
> >>> strings correctly, and I should be able to reassign `a = "你好"` and have 
> >>> things work as expected. So, we also can't have the "easy" string type be 
> >>> the default...
> >>> 
> >>> I can't think of a way to square that circle.
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Sent from my iPad
> >>> 
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