Hi Russ,

Keep in mind you can control layout of structs by defining them in C (using 
__attribute__((packed)) and so on), and using them as imported types in Swift.

As Mark mentioned, we can add this later if we need it, so it’s probably out of 
scope for now.


> On Aug 17, 2016, at 11:28 AM, Russ Bishop via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I wanted to gauge the interest in supporting explicit struct layout and 
> alignment.
> The general idea would be to support attributes to create packed structs and 
> set alignment. It will be critical for certain kinds of interop and systems 
> programming in pure Swift. I don’t know about you but I want to write a 
> kernel module in Swift someday :) I’m bringing it up because it probably 
> affects ABI stability and resilience and so meets the requirements for Swift 
> 4 phase 1.
> Hopefully this could be a jumping-off point for further discussion. If the 
> core team doesn’t think this affects ABI stability then we can postpone 
> discussing it until Swift 4 phase 1 wraps up.
> @layout(style: auto, alignment: natural)
> enum LayoutStyle {
>     /// Compiler is free to order the fields as it likes
>     case automatic
>     /// Places a struct's members in source order
>     case sequential
>     /// Requires each member to have an @order attribute
>     case ordered
>     /// Requires each member to have an @offset attribute
>     case explicit
> }
> Only structs with certain @layout attributes would be exportable to non-Swift 
> languages (assuming such support is added at some point). A struct defined 
> with ordered or explicit layout and as resilient could possibly avoid 
> indirect access to members since the ABI contract guarantees the location of 
> each member.
> enum Alignment {
>     /// Compiler decides
>     case natural
>     /// Align as if the natural alignment were specified bytes
>     case bytes(Int)
> }
> @order(<int>)
> Specifies the order of the member in memory. Order must start at zero and 
> increase monotonically without gaps. This makes accidental changes to the 
> ordering errors.
> @offset(<int>)
> Specifies the offset from the start of the struct where this member should be 
> placed. The size of the struct becomes the highest offset plus the size of 
> the member with that offset.
> It is an open question whether overlapping alignment should be allowed. If it 
> is allowed I’d propose that for any set of members overlapping all of the 
> members must be entirely contained within the largest overlapping member (I’m 
> thinking of C-style unions when the struct format is imposed by something 
> outside your control).
> Thoughts?
> Russ
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