> On Aug 25, 2016, at 2:29 AM, Karl via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> This is not a new inconsistency. We’ve known about this since “open” was 
> first proposed.
> Having sealed protocols would be nice, but it’s too late for Swift 3 IMO.

Everything is too late for Swift 3.  Bug fixes are about to be too late for 
Swift 3, much less any actual language changes.


> Karl
>> On 22 Aug 2016, at 20:40, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> Hello dear Swift community,
>> I was updating some of my libraries where I noticed that the new open access 
>> modifier made the public modifier inconsistent in one way.
>> Conformances to protocols is logically the same as inheritances on classes. 
>> Conformances == (abstract) inheritance
>> That said we should allow protocols to be open/public like we now allow this 
>> distinction for classes.
>> open protocol from module A should mean that I’m allowed to conform to it in 
>> module B
>> public protocol will act as an interface in module B
>> Not only sounds this behavior like ‘nice to have’, it’s inconsistency and 
>> it’s a ‘really need’ + a source breaking change in general.
>> A common mistake in Swift 3.0 would be to hide protocol members behind 
>> public modifier for protocols that meant to be open. If a protocol member in 
>> an open class is disallowed to be overridden by the public modifier and this 
>> behavior is fixed, that will imply that you’ll have to open the member which 
>> you intended to be not overridable. 
>> // Before:
>> // In module A
>> public protocol Proto {
>>   func doSomething()
>> }
>> open class Base : Proto {
>>   // Dissallow to override - this would be a common mistake
>>   public func doSomething() {}
>> }
>> // Used in module B - so it should be `open` after all
>> class Test : Proto {
>>  func doSomething() {}
>> }
>> // After:
>> // In module A
>> open protocol Proto {
>>   func doSomething()
>> }
>> open class Base : Proto {
>>   // Whops we have to grant the ability to override this method now
>>   // I made a mistake designing my protocol in Swift 3.0 :/
>>   open func doSomething() {}
>> }
>> // In module B
>> class Test2 : Base {
>>   // Uuuuuuh I can do bad things with this now if the module A was not 
>> redesigned to fix this. :)))
>>   override func doSomething() {}
>> }
>> Personally I don’t have any feeling of how huge the impact might be on Swift 
>> if this behavior will be fixed. I also cannot tell if it’s something for 
>> Swift 3.x or Swift 4.0.
>> -- 
>> Adrian Zubarev
>> Sent with Airmail
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