I see two main use cases for throws right now:

for high-level operations that can fail for a lot of reasons
when it's convenient to bubble out of a complex, nested/recursive algorithm 
(like parsing a data structure)

Throws works well for case one, but it's not awesome for case two. I don't 
think that adding an optional type annotation to throws would hurt case one a 
lot, too.


> Le 29 août 2016 à 21:13:51, Russ Bishop <xen...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> On Aug 26, 2016, at 8:39 AM, Félix Cloutier via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Currently, a function that throws is assumed to throw anything. There was a 
>> proposal draft last December to restrict that. The general idea was that 
>> you'd write, for instance:
>>> enum Foo: ErrorProtocol {
>>>    case bar
>>>    case baz
>>> }
>>> func frob() throws Foo {
>>>    throw Foo.bar // throw .bar?
>>> }
>> If you `catch Foo` (or every case of Foo), now that the compiler can verify 
>> that your catch is exhaustive, you no longer have to have a catch-all block 
>> at the end of the sequence.
> This contract is a lie in almost all real-world programs because real 
> programs talk to the network, the filesystem, the database, etc and the class 
> of errors that can be thrown is tremendous. The number of functions where 
> “throws Foo” is an improvement and Foo is not an exhaustive list of “throws 
> HTTPError, NetworkError, StorageError, DatabaseError, MachPortError, …” is 
> close enough to zero to be considered zero. This ultimately leads to library 
> authors merely wrapping exceptions using generic catch-all blocks anyway, 
> adding no useful information.
> There is zero value to adding it without the compiler enforcing it because 
> you can only omit default catch blocks safely when you can be certain the 
> list of exceptions is exhaustive.
> I am sympathetic to the default/generic catch block problem but we could 
> certainly solve that with some added syntax or automatic insertion of a 
> rethrow if an error doesn’t match, meaning any function with a try{} and no 
> default catch must itself be a throwing function.
> Since this isn’t applicable to Swift 4 phase 1 I’ll hush now :)
> Russ

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