> On 02 Sep 2016, at 22:34, Tony Parker via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I would instead prefer to look at what we can do with adding API to the 
> existing types to cover this use case. You point out in the proposal that it 
> has become customary to use [UInt8] in API. I would prefer that we work 
> towards a solution that makes it customary to use Data when you want to 
> expose an API that uses Data. 

I support that sentiment. We should stick with existing solutions and not 
dilute them without reason.

Having said that, my personal experience with NSData is pretty bad. It never 
really fits my needs unless I am dealing with amorphous data that stay’s 
As soon as I need to figure out what is in the data, the code gets ugly fast 
and needs extensive commenting to stay maintainable (and we all know what 
happens with comments…)

I think Andy is right, and we need to differentiate between byte access and 
amorphous data blocks.

A minor point: many programmers new to the platform will know what to do with 
pointers, Data on the other hand is too much of an abstraction to grasp 

And a minor-minor point: Personally I hate the “Unsafe” part in the name. Seems 
a bit pedantic to me. I do not need subjective judgements in a language. (Is 
there really a SW-engineer out there that does not know about the inherent 
dangers of direct memory access?, does “unsafe” really add value to the 

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