> On Sep 6, 2016, at 7:11 PM, Douglas Gregor <dgre...@apple.com> wrote:
> I *think* Charles is saying something slightly different here, and it’s a 
> viewpoint I hadn’t considered before.
> We agree that there should be some kind of diagnostic when putting an 
> optional into an Any, because it’s probably not what the user intended. And 
> we know it can happen in ways we cannot diagnose statically, so the 
> diagnostic won’t be perfect. I think Charles is saying that, when this 
> happens, we don’t *want* our Objective-C code to be able to query the value 
> in that optional: in other words, it’s effectively a programmer error to 
> treat such objects as anything more than completely-opaque objects that get 
> passed around any perhaps dealt with properly in Swift code itself.

I’d say my position has three planks on it, and the above is pretty much the 
first plank: 1) the idea of an array of optionals is a concept that doesn’t 
really exist in Objective-C, and I do think that passing one to Obj-C ought to 
be considered a programmer error.

The other two planks would be:

2) Bridging arrays of optionals in this manner could mask the aforementioned 
programmer error, resulting in unexpected, hard-to-reproduce crashes when an 
NSNull is accessed as if it were something else, and:

3) Objective-C APIs that accept NSNull objects are fairly rare, so the proposed 
bridging doesn’t really solve a significant problem (and in the cases where it 
does, using a map to replace nils with NSNulls is not difficult to write).


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