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> On 28 Sep 2016, at 17:51, Douglas Gregor via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
>> On Sep 27, 2016, at 5:06 PM, Jordan Rose <> wrote:
>> Great job thinking this all through (as usual), and I’ll be very happy to 
>> have Optional and Array become Equatable. Here’s some of my thoughts on the 
>> library evolution aspect of this:
>> - Removing a conditional conformance isn’t allowed, obviously.
>> - Adding a conditional conformance is just like adding an unconditional 
>> conformance—it needs availability info.
> Right. The main wrinkle I see here is that, when you add a conditional 
> conformance, you will effectively end up with overlapping conformances when 
> running an old application against a new library. Do you want me to capture 
> these cases in the proposal in a section on “Resilience” or “Library 
> Evolution”, like I’ve tried to capture the effect on ABI Stability? (I think 
> that makes sense)
>> - It would be nice™ if making a conditional conformance more general was 
>> allowed. Since the plan doesn't allow overlapping conformances, I think this 
>> is actually implementable: just don’t put the constraints in the symbol 
>> name. I don’t know how to represent the backwards-deploying aspects of this 
>> right now, so it probably makes sense to forbid it today, but I think it 
>> would be nice if the implementation left the door open.
> Yeah. It’s a different set of witness tables that one would need to gather to 
> use the conditional conformance in the newer version of the library vs. in an 
> older version of a library. That’s okay if we leave the 
> witness-table-gathering to the runtime, but not so great if we statically 
> provide the witness tables.

Would this be a case in which the win by having this feature and letting the 
runtime gather the witness tables offset the losses from doing his operations 
at runtime? I would like to think that in cases like this there is at least the 
option to opt for more flexibility.

>> On that note, what happens here?
>> // Module Lib
>> public protocol Base {}
>> public protocol Sub: Base {}
>> public protocol Special: Sub {}
>> public struct Impl<T> {}
>> extension Impl: Special where T: Special {}
>> // Module Client
>> import Lib
>> extension Impl: Sub where T: Sub {}
>> I think this gets rejected because Impl already has a conformance to Sub—the 
>> extension in Client, despite being less specialized, shows up too late to 
>> actually declare this conformance “better”. Is that correct?
> Correct. Impl has a conformance to ‘Sub’ in Lib; Client cannot declare a new 
> one, because it overlaps.  Had all of this code been in one module, it would 
> be well-formed, because the implied conformance to ’Sub’ in the first 
> extension would lose to the explicit conformance to Sub in the second 
> (less-specialized) extension.
>       - Doug
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