This is clearly not a huge issue to solve, but a pitch is a pitch.

From Swift book we know this:

Switch Statements Must Be Exhaustive

In Swift, every possible value of the control expression’s type must match the 
value of at least one pattern of a case. When this simply isn’t feasible (for 
instance, when the control expression’s type is Int), you can include a default 
case to satisfy the requirement.
Even for enum values an optional default would mean that you don’t care about 
the other cases in your current switch, which basically again would be another 
useless nop.

enum A {
    case a, b, c

var value = A.a

switch value {
case .a:
    value = A.b
    () // I don't care

// Do something else  

switch value {
case .b:
    value = A.c
    () // I don't care
Sure the error message is there to notify you that you might forget to handle 
some case, but how we handle that specific case is still up to us.

I’d really like to know what could be dangerous here when default would be 

I can’t tell if this would have some impact on the ABI or not. I’d say it’s 
additive because it doesn’t break any existing code but removes an existing 

The next thought might be an overkill (or maybe not):

How about making default optional everywhere + introducing a new attribute that 
allows the optional default on that particular enum, but by default every 
current existing enum should be handled exhaustively.


enum A {
    case a, b, c

var value = A.a

switch value {
case .a:
    value = A.b
} // Error: switch must be exhaustive, consider adding a default clause

// VS:

@discardableCase enum B {
    case d, e, f

let anotherValue = B.d

switch anotherValue {
case .d:
    // Do something
case .e:
    // Do something else
} // Just fine; We don't care here about `.f`

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 3. Oktober 2016 um 12:28:58, Rien ( schrieb:

On non-enum values, yes I could support this. However I do not see this as a 
big enough issue.  
On enum values? no way….  

Btw this would get rid of:  

let bytesSend = send(…) // returns an Int  

switch bytesSend {  
case Int.min ... -1: {…}  
case 0: {…}  
case 1 ... Int.max: {…}  
default: break // <<<<<< Imposible  

> On 03 Oct 2016, at 12:14, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:  
> I know that there is this note in Commonly Rejected Changes:  
> Remove support for default: in switch and just use case _:: default is widely 
> used, case _ is too magical, and default is widely precedented in many C 
> family languages.  
> I really like to use the switch instead of if case for pattern matching, just 
> because it’s neat block design. I do not want to remove default from switches 
> because it’s a must have and powerful feature.  
> I’d like to know why switches must be exhaustive.  
> switch someValue {  
> case …:  
> // Do something  
> case …:  
> // Do something else  
> default:  
> () // useless nop; do nothing when no pattern matched  
> }  
> // VS:  
> if case … {  
> } else if case … {  
> } else if case … {  
> } // No need for `else`  
> Can’t we make default optional, or at least on non-enum values?  
> --  
> Adrian Zubarev  
> Sent with Airmail  
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