> On Oct 3, 2016, at 8:03 PM, Joe Groff via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Oct 3, 2016, at 9:39 AM, Robert Widmann via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> -1 in general.  I want smarter exhaustiveness analysis, but I don’t want to 
>> be able to ignore cases that “can’t happen” (so say we, writer of bugs) when 
>> they’re clearly in the domain of possible values that can be fed to a 
>> switch-case.  Exhaustiveness guarantees wellformedness of a program that 
>> does happen to go wrong, and makes it much easier to verify the correctness 
>> of the flow of control of the containing block because all points from the 
>> switch must be covered.  We also don’t have the type-level tools to convince 
>> the checker to allow you to remove unreachable cases.  If it’s really a 
>> problem that you are writing default cases everywhere, just bailout in a 
>> fatal error with a nice description.  It never hurts.
> I can see the utility of a `switch!` construct that introduces the 'default: 
> fatalError()' on your behalf. No matter how much analysis we do, there are 
> always going to be cases with 'where' guards and expr patterns that we can't 
> decidably analyze for exhaustiveness, for which runtime safety is the best we 
> can offer. (That said, it'd fall squarely in the "sugar" bucket, so while 
> it's an interesting idea to explore, it's not immediate Swift 4 Phase 1 
> material.)

This seems to me like the perfect answer for Swift.

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