
That would be good. It is a nicer way to write what is already possible to
achieve, but it's not a way to 'implement' stored properties in extensions.

On Sun, 9 Oct 2016 at 21:45 Charles Srstka <> wrote:

> *Replace both instances of “class C: P” with just “class C” since the
> conformance comes in the extension. That’s what I get for writing this
> quickly.
> Charles
> On Oct 9, 2016, at 3:43 PM, Charles Srstka <>
> wrote:
> protocol P {
> var foo: String { get }
> func bar()
> }
> protocol Q {
> var baz: Int { get }
> func qux()
> }
> class C: P {
> var foo: String // <- what is this doing here?
> var baz: Int // <- ditto
> }
> extension C: P {
> func bar() {}
> }
> extension C: Q {
> func qux() {}
> }
> we could simply:
> protocol P {
> var foo: String { get }
> func bar()
> }
> class C: P {}
> extension C: P {
> var foo: String
> func bar() {}
> }
> extension C: Q {
> var baz: Int
> func qux() {}
> }
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