As someone who's hit this performance issue myself, a big +1 from me. The
solution looks like it fits perfectly into Swift.

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 3:01 PM Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution <> wrote:

> Looks very nice.  +1 here as well.
> On Oct 11, 2016, at 4:28 PM, Nate Cook via swift-evolution <
>> wrote:
> Introduction
> This proposal addresses significant unexpected performance gaps when using
> dictionaries. It introduces type-specific collections for a Dictionary
>  instance's keys and values properties.
> New DictionaryKeys and DictionaryValues collections provide efficient key
> lookup and mutable access to dictionary values, enabling updates to be
> performed in-place and allowing copy-on-write optimization of stored values.
> <>
> Motivation
> This proposal address two problems:
>    - The Dictionary type keys implementation is inefficient, because
>    LazyMapCollection doesn't know how to forward lookups to the
>    underlying dictionary storage.
>    - Dictionaries do not offer value-mutating APIs. The mutating
>    key-based subscript wraps values in an Optional. This prevents types
>    with copy-on-write optimizations from recognizing they are singly
>    referenced.
> This proposal uses the following [String: [Int]] dictionary to
> demonstrate these problems:
> var dict = ["one": [1], "two": [2, 2], "three": [3, 3, 3]]
> <>
> Inefficient dict.keys Search
> Swift coders normally test key membership using nil checks or underscored
> optional bindings:
> if dict["one"] != nil {
>     // ...
> }if let _ = dict["one"] {
>     // ...
> }
> These approaches provide the expected performance of a dictionary lookup
> but they read neither well nor "Swifty". Checking keys reads much better
> but introduces a serious performance penalty: this approach requires a
> linear search through a dictionary's keys to find a match.
> if dict.keys.contains("one") {
>     // ...
> }
> A similar dynamic plays out when comparing dict.index(forKey:) and
> dict.keys.index(of:).
> <>Inefficient
> Value Mutation
> Dictionary values can be modified through the keyed subscript by direct
> reassignment or by using optional chaining. Both of these statements append
> 1 to the array stored by the key "one":
> // Direct re-assignment
> dict["one"] = (dict["one"] ?? []) + [1]
> // Optional chaining
> dict["one"]?.append(1)
> Both approaches present problems. The first is complex and hard to read.
> The second ignores the case where "one" is not a key in the dictionary.
> It forces its check into a higher branch and encourages forced unwrapping.
> Furthermore, neither approach allows the array to grow in place. They
> introduce an unnecessary copy of the array's contents even though dict is
> the sole holder of its storage.
> Adding mutation to a dictionary's index-based subscripting isn't possible.
> Changing a key stored at a particular index would almost certainly modify
> its hash value, rendering the index incorrect. This violates the
> requirements of the MutableCollection protocol.
> <>Proposed
> Solution
> This proposal adds a custom collection for the keys and values dictionary
> properties. This follows the example set by String, which presents
> multiple views of its contents. A new DictionaryKeys collection
> introduces efficient key lookup, while a new DictionaryValues collection
> provides a mutable collection interface to dictionary values.
> These changes introduce a simple and efficient way of checking whether a
> dictionary includes a key:
> // Performantif dict.keys.contains("one") {
>     // ...
> }
> As a mutable collection, values enables modification without copies or
> clumsy code:
> if let i = dict.index(forKey: "one") {
>     dict.values[i].append(1)  // no copy here
> } else {
>     dict["one"] = [1]
> }
> Both the keys and values collections share the same index type as
> Dictionary. This allows the above sample to be rewritten as:
> // Using `dict.keys.index(of:)`if let i = dict.keys.index(of: "one") {
>     dict.values[i].append(1)
> } else {
>     dict["one"] = [1]
> }
> <>Detailed
> design
>    - The standard library introduces two new collection types:
>    DictionaryKeys and DictionaryValues.
>    - A Dictionary's keys and values property types change from
>    LazyMapCollection to these new types.
>    - The new collection types are not directly constructable. They are
>    presented only as views into a dictionary.
> struct Dictionary<Key: Hashable, Value>: ... {
>     var keys: DictionaryKeys<Key, Value> { get }
>     var values: DictionaryValues<Key, Value> { get set }
>     // Remaining declarations
> }
> /// A collection view of a dictionary's keys.struct DictionaryKeys<Key: 
> Hashable, Value>: Collection {
>     typealias Index = DictionaryIndex<Key, Value>
>     subscript(i: Index) -> Key { get }
>     // Other `Collection` requirements
> }
> /// A mutable collection view of a dictionary's values.struct 
> DictionaryValues<Key: Hashable, Value>: MutableCollection {
>     typealias Index = DictionaryIndex<Key, Value>
>     subscript(i: Index) -> Value { get set }
>     // Other `Collection` requirements
> }
> A sample implementation of this proposal can be found in this branch
> <>.
> <>Impact
> on existing code
> The performance improvements of using the new DictionaryKeys type and the
> mutability of the DictionaryValuescollection are both additive in nature.
> Most uses of these properties are transitory in nature. Adopting this
> proposal should not produce a major impact on existing code. The only
> impact on existing code exists where a program explicitly specifies the
> type of a dictionary's keysor values property. The fix is to change the
> specified type.
> <>Alternatives
> considered
> The Generics Manifesto
> <> lists
> nested generics as a goal. This could impact the naming and structure of
> these new collection types.
> Instead of DictionaryKeys<Key, Value> and DictionaryValues<Key, Value>,
> these types could be Dictionary<Key, Value>.Keys and Dictionary<Key,
> Value>.Values. However, because many types in the standard library may be
> revisited once such a feature is available (indices, iterators, etc.), the
> current lack of nesting shouldn't prevent consideration of this proposal.
> It could be possible to add additional compiler features that manage
> mutation through existing key-based subscripting without the copy-on-write
> problems of the current implementation. I don't know enough about how that
> would be implemented to speak to its feasibility or level of effort. Such a
> feature would reduce the need for a mutable DictionaryValues collection.
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