Hi Joe,

>> I just realised, that the problem is slightly worse than I originally 
>> described. I believed that successful calls in between the actual call the 
>> programmer wanted to make and capturing `errno` are not a problem.
>> But POSIX seems to suggest [4] that "The setting of errno after a successful 
>> call to a function is unspecified unless the description of that function 
>> specifies that errno shall not be modified." . The Linux man page [5] also 
>> mentions that "a function that succeeds is allowed to change errno."
>> To me this means that the issue is wider than just ARC. I think the problem 
>> extends to memory allocations on the heap. Failed memory allocations aren't 
>> a problem because they are terminal in Swift. However, _successful_ memory 
>> allocations might be a problem because the malloc(3) that the Swift compiler 
>> will use is absolutely free to set errno to 0 (or any other value in fact) 
>> indicating success. (Said that at least malloc doesn't change `errno` on the 
>> macOS or Linux I tested today, we probably shouldn't rely on that though.)
>> This makes it even more unpredictable to the programmer what a use of 
>> `errno` in Swift will return. IMHO it shouldn't be exported to Swift as its 
>> value is undefined almost(?) everywhere.
>> [4]: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/errno.html
>> [5]: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/errno.3.html
> Swift's implicit allocations don't directly use malloc/free.

Ah right, that's good to know. But still, "explicit" allocation by creating an 
object does, right?


class Foo {}
let x = Foo()

does allocate through _swift_allocObject_ -> swift_slowAlloc -> malloc .

> If there is a platform where a successful malloc dirties errno, we should 
> avoid doing so in the Swift runtime's entry points.

ok, agreed, should there be a platform where malloc that dirties `errno` it 
could be worked around by saving and restoring the `errno`.

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