This is a clean approach but that would not solve the example I mentioned.

let document: Document = [
    "key" = nil // won't work for the second version of the implementation I 
Do solve this problem here, I’d need a real Nil type I could extend.

extension Nil : MyProtocol { … }
Than the above example will work correctly.

Adrian Zubarev
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Am 8. November 2016 um 21:53:44, Pyry Jahkola ( schrieb:

If we start from this thought…

Adrian Zubarev wrote:
Shouldn’t it be just like this:
public protocol ExpressibleByNilLiteral {

  init(nilLiteral: Nil)

Then why not just:

    public protocol ExpressibleByIntLiteral {
      static var `nil`: Self

…such that Foo.nil creates your nil value of type Foo?

— Pyry

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