Right. Even though the class you want to expose isn't generic, its superclass 
is, and Objective-C needs to know the whole inheritance chain in order to use 
the class in any meaningful way.

Depending on what your use case is, you may be able to work with a @objc 
protocol instead (either imported or defined in Swift).


> On Dec 14, 2016, at 08:47, Charlie Monroe via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Hi Davide,
> AFAIK this is not (easily) possible (please, correct me someone if I'm wrong) 
> since Swift's generics aren't "lightweight" as ObjC generics are.
> In ObjC, no matter what you use for the generics, you still have just 1 class 
> that handles all call:
> @interface MyClass<T> : NSObject
> @end
> @class A, B;
> NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromClass([MyClass<A *> self])); // MyClass
> NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromClass([MyClass<B *> self])); // MyClass
> [MyClass<A *> self] == [MyClass<B *> self]; // YES
> In Swift, when you compile the generic class, a class is generated for each 
> type you use - example:
> class MyClass<T> {}
> class A {}
> class B {}
> NSStringFromClass(MyClass<A>.self) // _TtGC14__lldb_expr_417MyClassCS_1A_
> NSStringFromClass(MyClass<B>.self) // _TtGC14__lldb_expr_417MyClassCS_1B_
> MyClass<A>.self == MyClass<B>.self // false
> This makes what you suggest very complicated.
>> On Dec 14, 2016, at 2:47 PM, Davide Mendolia via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Maybe this has been asked before but I couldn't find it.
>> I would like to be able to give visibility of non-generic subclass of a 
>> generic class to obj-c. Is there any limitation of the compiler knowing that 
>> the type of the non-generic type is closed, to generate a compatible version 
>> for obj-c?
>> Code Example:
>> class SwiftSuperType<T: NSObjectProtocol> : NSObject {
>> }
>> class NonGenericClass2: SwiftSuperType<NSObject> {
>> }
>> Or with a obj-c super class:
>> @interface ObjcSuperType<T: id<NSObject>> : NSObject
>> @end
>> class NonGenericClass: ObjcSuperType<NSObject> {
>> }
>> Actual Behaviour:
>> Non-generic classes are not visible in obj-c. If adding the @objc notation 
>> we get the following error.
>> Actual error message:
>> Generic subclasses of '@objc' classes cannot have an explicit '@objc' 
>> attribute because they are not directly visible from Objective-C
>> regards,
>> --
>> Davide Mendolia
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