I suppose if compile time validation is desired I guess we can do something
similar to @ibdesignables. Except instead of live rendering UIViews we
would render the url

Marking a URL like this
@urlvalidation("a URL string")

Would make it fire a compiletime URL request and give a warning if it was a
bad URL but if it is a good URL then it returns a URL instance
On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 1:02 PM Callionica (Swift) via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

> It would be a good idea for literals of different types to be easily
> recognizable in the source by human readers and extractable from the source
> by tools. I'm sure everyone agrees that it's annoying/risky when you can't
> even distinguish localizable strings (user messages) from non-localizable
> strings. I'm in support of the (separate) concepts of 1) better compile
> time support for URLs and 2) better compile time support for user code
> (literal parsing; constexpr; macros). I hope the solution will consider how
> refactoring tools can extract literal URLs from the source and replace with
> URLs read from a configuration.
> I won't risk derailing the thread completely by going in to detail, but
> when I think of better compile-time support for URLs, the features that I
> first think of are:
> 1) A specific subtype for URLs in a protocol family:
>     a) Local File URLs
>     b) "Web URLs" (specifically HTTP & HTTPS)
> 2) A specific subtype for absolute URLs
> Those are library-level concerns, but I mention them so that anyone with a
> general interest in improving compile time support for URLs might have a
> chance of finding them.
> -- Callionica
> On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 9:23 AM, Stephen Buck via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I like the David Sweeris idea best. The syntax is cleaner and the type URL
> "knows what to do with itself".
> let url: URL = "https://example.com";
> I have strong reservations about hard-coded URLs as an SDLC 🚂 wreck
> waiting to happen, but the world of mid-day build and deploy might mitigate
> this, except when the developers are laid off and an acquisition or service
> consolidation causes a domain or URL change.  Having seen this many times I
> have always put URLs in a properties file for bootstrapping, and a database
> for post-bootstrap.  This allows per-instance customization and live
> instance changes which is also usually necessary.
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