I should clarify:

“works only part of the time” was meant to say that it does not cover all 
cases. Sometimes a warning will be given and sometimes not. When referring to 
time I was thinking of the programmer, not of compilation or execution time.

I think that “partially detectable” features increase the cognitive workload 
rather than decreasing it. If that is the case then I would rather do without.


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> On 18 Dec 2016, at 12:39, Haravikk <swift-evolut...@haravikk.me> wrote:
>> On 18 Dec 2016, at 10:04, Rien <r...@balancingrock.nl> wrote:
>> Solutions that work only part of the time will raise expectations of the 
>> user only to crush hem later when they fail.
>> It will likely generate a number of “bug” reports that must then be 
>> explained.
>> I would suggest that functionality like this should only be applied to 
>> custom types, never on the build-in types.
>> Regards,
>> Rien
> It's not so much that it only works part of the time, but more that in 
> situations where the "link" would be broken we would need to issue a warning, 
> which could get annoying given that currently we have no way to suppress 
> these.
> This is why I stopped working on it as there's a lot of details to hammer 
> out; I do think it's feasible, but there's a lot to consider. For example, 
> indices could be treated in a manner similar to non-escaping closures, in 
> that you can't store or pass them in any way that would break this link to 
> the parent, unless you use a keyword or attribute to explicitly handle them 
> in an "unsafe" way.
> So it's not so much that it only works "part of the time", but rather that it 
> relies on a type of inference, and needs some way to correctly (and usefully) 
> handle situations where that inference can't be performed, which is why I put 
> it to one side as it was taking up too much time.
> If I ever do have more time I might put up a more formal thread to discuss it 
> properly; I do think it's feasible, and possible to make it work well in most 
> common cases, the question mark is just how best to handle those cases where 
> either more data is needed, or the warning needs to be overridden somehow.
>>> On 18 Dec 2016, at 10:12, Haravikk via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> On 16 Dec 2016, at 14:51, Anton Zhilin via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> It will be impossible without huge additional overhead.
>>>> I assume that "invalidated" means "no more points to that element".
>>>> Consider that an element is inserted in the middle of an Array.
>>>> Assuming enough capacity, all iterators after that one will be invalidated.
>>>> But all new iterators pointing to the same spots will be valid.
>>>> How do you differentiate between the "old" ones and the "new" ones?
>>>> I see only one general approach to this:
>>>> 1. Make iterator type a class
>>>> 2. Add to the collection, an array of all iterators, which have been 
>>>> created (and are being used)
>>>> 3. Add a "valid" flag to iterator
>>>> 4. On most operations on the collection, it will walk through its 
>>>> iterators, marking some as "invalid".
>>>> It's a safe way to eliminate some "out of bounds" errors, but it's just 
>>>> utterly rediculous.
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>>>> swift-evolution mailing list
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>>> There was one idea I was exploring but never quite came up with a final 
>>> design for, which would be the ability for types to "tag" and invalidate 
>>> values that they return.
>>> In essence, a collection might return an index and tag it as "indices", and 
>>> a later call to remove, add etc. might invalidate all values tagged as 
>>> "indices", and provide some guidance on what to do about it. The Swift 
>>> compiler will make a best effort to track these tags to provide warnings.
>>> I was thinking something like this (heavily cut down):
>>>     struct Foo : Collection {
>>>             func index(_ i:Index, offsetBy n:IndexDistance) -> Index 
>>> @tag("indices") { return i + n }
>>>             @invalidates("indices") func remove(at:Index) { /* Remove an 
>>> element */ }
>>>     }
>>>     var foo = Foo()
>>>     let index = foo.index(foo.startIndex, offsetBy: 5)
>>>     foo.remove(at: index) // This is fine
>>>     foo.remove(at: index) // Warning: indices of foo have been invalidated
>>> In other words, the variable index is linked (in the compiler, not at 
>>> run-time) to the type instance that created it by the specified tag 
>>> "indices". Now, when that type invalidates "indices" that variable is 
>>> effectively marked as invalid, thus any attempt to use it will produce a 
>>> warning that it may no longer be valid. Of course in the case of simple 
>>> indices it should be fine, though technically speaking you're still doing 
>>> something that could still fail at runtime.
>>> The idea here is that, in the simpler cases at least, the compiler gains 
>>> some awareness of index invalidation, allowing us to potentially avoid 
>>> run-time errors entirely; naturally it gets more complex if the indices are 
>>> passed around, but as long as it is still possible to track where they came 
>>> from (e.g- if it's a collection held by a class reference) then it can 
>>> still work. This feature could also be used to detect use of an index for 
>>> the wrong type or instance; i.e- if two instances have the same index type, 
>>> indices may not be compatible between the two, currently mixing and 
>>> matching them isn't a compiler error, but can fail unexpectedly at runtime, 
>>> though there's probably a simpler solution to that specific case (e.g- some 
>>> way to make the type checker to treat their indices as if they were 
>>> different types).

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