Some simple questions:

Say Tuples are deprecated and removed from the language: 

How would you go about pattern matching on multiple values in the same switch 

What about pattern bindings for multiple values?

When a function that takes more than one argument in a particular parameter 
list is partially applied, how will I apply the needed tuple of arguments to 
complete the call later?

There is a lot of overlap if you view them simply as data structures, but there 
is also a lot the language itself does with them that has to be worked out if 
they're going to be replaced.

~Robert Widmann

2017/01/07 19:17、Freak Show via swift-evolution <> 

> FWIW, I searched the previous proposals for any kind of mention of tuple and 
> found nothing so forgive me if this has been discussed before.  
> Swift currently has 5 ways to represent multi-values.
> Classes, structs, arrays, dictionaries, and tuples.
> Of these, classes are well established and unique in that they support 
> inheritance and often have identity.  
> The others, however, are primarily used as value types in their immutable 
> incarnations.  Consider a desire to pass around a cartesian coordinate.  The 
> following representations are available:
> let x = "x"
> let y = "y"
> struct XY { var x: Int; var y: Int }
> var txy = (x: 1, y: 2)       // (.0 1,.1 2)
> var sxy = XY(x: 1, y: 2 )    // XY
> var dxy = [ x: 1, y: 2]  // ["y": 2, "x": 1]
> var axy = [ 1, 2 ] // [1,2]
> var taxy = ( 1, 2 ) // (.0 1,.1 2)
> Their print strings are in the comment to the right - that could be a source 
> of a whole other proposal. 
> A developer might choose from any one of these to represent a Point.  They 
> all represent the same information.  Yet the syntax required to make use of 
> them is annoyingly different.
> Consider the tuple with named fields which is being used as a sort of 
> anonymous ad hoc struct:
> txy.x // 1
> txy.0 // 1
> txy[x] // error
> txy[0] // error
> vs the declared struct
> sxy.x
> sxy.0  //error
> sxy[x]  //error
> sxy[0]  //error
> vs the dictionary
> dxy.x // error
> dxy.0 // error
> dxy[x] // 1
> dxy[0] // error
> and then we have the tuple with unnamed fields
> taxy.0 // 1
> taxy[0] // error
> vs the array
> axy.0  // error
> axy[0] // 1
> It is worth observing that, to the programmer the variable sxy is 
> indistinguishable from txy.  They represent the same informtion, they are 
> accessed in the exactly the same way.  They are completely equivalent.  
> However this fails:
> sxy = txy // error
> this succeeds (which may or may not be good depending on context and 
> coincidence):
> var txy = (x: 1, y: 2)
> var txy2 = ( x: 2, y: 3)
> txy = txy2 // OK
> but this fails (which I think is a good thing)
> struct XY { var x: Int; var y: Int }
> struct XY2 { var x: Int; var y: Int }
> var sxy2 = XY2(x: 2, y: 3)
> var sxy = XY(x: 1, y: 2 )
> sxy=sxy2 // error
> The point of this comparison is to point out that the anonymous type 
> generating tuple is a) superfluous and b) a source of confusion and 
> gratuitous complexity.  It assumes the role at times of immutable arrays, 
> anonymous structs, and immutable dictionaries depending on context and we 
> already have all of those things.  
> Proposal:
> 1) Eliminate the tuple as a first level concept.
> 2) Replace tuples that have named fields with structs or immutable 
> dictionaries.
> 3) Replace tuples without named fields with immutable arrays.
> 4) Disallow tuple expressions that mix named and unnamed fields - IOW - this 
> is an abomination:
> var mixed = (z: 1, 2)
> If nothing else in this proposal resonates at all - that should be adopted.
> 5) Unify field access syntax.  Pick one or allow both on everything (similar 
> to javascript).
> FWIW, this isn't hard to do already in Objective C.  It is possible to make 
> use of default handlers to allow dict.field access on NSDictionary with a 
> very small amount of code.  Javascript also supports both dictionary oriented 
> access (obj['field']) and dot notation (obj.field) so there is precedent for 
> this kind of flexibility.  
> 6) Unify iteration over all the fields of all the kinds of things that have 
> fields.  In this case, tuples are kind of like sequenced collections that 
> have been lobotomized.  
> Conclusion
> There is a lot of overlap among the concepts of structs, immutable 
> dictionaries, immutable arrays and tuples.  They are a source of gratuitous 
> complexity in the language and a likely ongoing source of frustration as 
> developers choose different, equivalent, but incompatible representations for 
> common types of data.  My primary fear is that anonymous tuples will tend to 
> phase out named struct types and an important source of documentation of 
> intent will be lost.
> It should also be noted that I am not a compiler or VM writer and I don't 
> give a fig how the language does things at the implementation level and this 
> is primarily a conceptual/syntactic proposal.  The goal is to make consuming 
> data types predictable and simple and eliminate gratuitous complexity at the 
> conceptual level through generalization of special cases.
> Thanks for reading.  Still reading the process document to figure out how to 
> make this "official".
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