There was a proposal for custom behaviors using `@`, which if I recall
would offer encapsulation along the lines of what you're proposing. It was
an extensively designed system which was deferred for consideration, but
which would be in scope again in phase 2. The proposal is in the
swift-evolution repository--does that address your use case?
On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 11:27 Joseph Newton via swift-evolution <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've done a lot of Objective-C and have been been a fan of Swift since
> it's come out, however, there's a small feature of Objective-C that I would
> really like to see implemented in Swift:
> In Objective-C you have a few options implementation-wise when creating
> properties for your class. You could use the *@synthesize *statement to
> have the compiler create the backing ivar along with the appropriate
> accessor methods or your could use the *@dynamic* statement to tell the
> compiler that you're going to create your own accessor methods and backing
> ivar (if needed).
> Additionally, one could use the *@synthesize* statement to have the
> compiler create the backing ivar, and then they could create custom
> accessor methods to supply custom functionality or validation. I use this
> third case extensively in my Objecitve-C code but there's not a concise way
> of doing this in Swift.
> For example, I might have an Objective-C implementation that looks like
> this:
> @interface Foo : NSObject
> @property (nullable, copy) NSString *bar;
> @end
> @implementation Foo
> @synthesize bar = _bar; // Creates ivar '_bar'
> - (void)setBar:(NSString *)bar {
>     if (bar.length < 100)
>         _bar = nil;
>     else
>         _bar = [bar copy];
> }
> @end
> Currently, the only way to implement this in Swift - AFAIK - is as follows:
> class Foo {
>     private var _bar: String?
>     public var bar: String? {
>         get { return _bar }
>         set {
>             if (newValue?.characters.count ?? 0) < 100 {
>                 _bar = nil
>             }
>             else {
>                 _bar = newValue.copy() as! String
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> Although this works, it isn't exactly glamorous. The main drawback of this
> implementation (unless intended) is that you now have any additional '_bar'
> variable accessible within the scope of your class.
> My proposal is to allow stored properties in the declaration block of
> computed properties. For this example, the '_bar' declaration would simply
> be moved inside of the declaration block for 'bar':
> class Foo {
>     public var bar: String? {
>         var _bar: String?
>         get { return _bar }
>         set {
>             if (newValue?.characters.count ?? 0) < 100 {
>                 _bar = nil
>             }
>             else {
>                 _bar = newValue.copy() as! String
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> Only the getter and setter methods of 'bar' are allowed to access and
> modify the stored '_bar' property. My proposal would also allow for
> multiple stored properties of varying types within the scope of a single
> computed property. This would also simply atomic synchronization for single
> variables:
> class Foo {
>     static var synchronizedBar: String? {
>         var queue = DispatchQueue(label: "Foo.synchronizedBar")
>         var bar: String?
>         get { return queue.sync { return bar } }
>         set { queue.sync { bar = newValue } }
>     }
> }
> Are there any suggestions or arguments, for or against, for this proposal?
> -- Joe Newton
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