Yeah I’m looking for that day too. :)

class ImmutableThing : AnyValue { … }

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 18. Januar 2017 um 18:03:59, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
( schrieb:

On Jan 18, 2017, at 11:00 AM, Joe Groff <> wrote:

On Jan 18, 2017, at 8:57 AM, Matthew Johnson <> wrote:

On Jan 18, 2017, at 10:54 AM, Joe Groff via swift-evolution 
<> wrote:

On Jan 18, 2017, at 8:50 AM, Tony Allevato <> wrote:

Good point—I hadn't considered the distinction.

Does that mean a future version of Swift might allow `let` in a protocol to 
indicate a value that must be immutable after initialization, such that a 
computed `var { get }` wouldn't satisfy it?

It's conceivable that even computed `let` properties could be supported, if the 
getter implementation is a pure function of `self`.

How would that work when `self` is mutable?

The exact meaning of "pure" and "immutable" would have to be designed. To a 
first approximation, you could say a pure method would only be able to read 
immutable global or class data (which is itself `let` or `pure func`, not 
anything that's potentially mutable) in addition to its own arguments.

Got it.  That makes sense.  Looking forward to the expanded pure / immutable 
model someday!


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