> On Jan 20, 2017, at 2:58 PM, Saagar Jha via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Sorry if I wasn’t clear; I’m looking for indexing using Int, instead of using 
> formIndex.

Question: why do you think integer indices are so desirable?

Integer indexing is simple, but also encourages anti-patterns (tortured 
open-coded while loops with unexpected fencepost errors, conflation of 
positions and distances into a single type) and our goal should be to make most 
everyday higher-level operations, such as finding/tokenizing, so easy that 
Swift programmers don’t feel they need to resort to loops as often.

Examples where formIndex is so common yet so cumbersome that it would be worth 
efforts to create integer-indexed versions of string might be indicators of 
important missing features on our collection or string APIs. So do pass them 

(There are definitely known gaps in them today – slicing needs improving as the 
manifesto mentions for things like slices from an index to n elements later. 
Also, we need support for in-place remove(where:) operations. But the more 
commonly needed cases we know about that aren’t covered, the better)

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