On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 4:34 PM, Robert Widmann <devteam.cod...@gmail.com>

> Responding on the pro side, but I don't endorse this proposal without more
> details:
> ~Robert Widmann
> 2017/01/25 13:40、Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> のメッセージ:
> This is contrary to several deliberate design decisions, if I understand
> correctly.
> First, revisions to visibility rules in the Swift 3 timeline were made
> with the deliberate intention that it should be possible to model greater
> visibility within a type (e.g. public members) without actually exporting
> that type. As Swift does not have optional warnings that can be turned off,
> it would be incongruous if the language also warned users away from
> creating internal types or variables before they are used. Unlike warnings
> about unused variables within a scope, which are by definition local, a
> warning such as proposed would be much more disruptive.
> That decision wasn't really one made to support a deliberate design, but
> to help make migration of fileprivate easier IIRC (Jordan Rose probably
> remembers better than I do of the conversation we had about this).
> It's important to note we already provide module-wide warnings (namely if
> we detect you mutating a let-bound member we offer a fixit at the site of
> the member decl) so this isn't new.
> Second, a variable with no access modifier defaults to internal, and this
> is deliberate for the purpose of progressive disclosure (i.e. it is, by
> design, possible for a new user to write useful code separated across
> multiple files without learning what access modifiers are). This would be
> undone if nearly every such use prompted a warning.
> That enforces hiding from clients, OP wants to enforce a model where we
> enforce data hiding from yourself as well.  If a variable's access needs to
> be escalated we can provide that fixit as well (instead of the current
> errors we offer now which are usually spurious type errors because lookup
> barfs).

Sure, the motivation is not ambiguous.

In the past, when new syntax for yet another access level has been
proposed, I've argued that perfect data hiding from yourself (as opposed to
clients) has been a non-goal (given the access levels available today) and
probably should continue to be. There's been disagreement about that--fine.

But _enforcing_ data hiding from yourself as The One True Way of Swift is
something else. Though not technically *source* breaking for existing code,
it is certainly radically design breaking. Far from being a bugfix, I'd
argue that such a change is big enough to merit one of those
manifesto-style big-picture discussions, and I'd want to be convinced of
huge wins for such a U-turn in direction.

In summary, I think the issue here is more one of style than safety, and
> IMO is more within the scope of a linter.
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 12:27 Robert Widmann via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> So, to be clear, a warning about making internal variables more private
>> based on their usage in the entire module?
>> Sounds doable.  Probably wouldn't need to go through evolution to get it
>> too (but I'll let others make that call).  Please file an SR about this too.
>> ~Robert Widmann
>> 2017/01/25 3:25、Dave Kliman via swift-evolution <
>> swift-evolution@swift.org> のメッセージ:
>> Hi!
>> I’m somewhat new to swift, so this issue may have been covered.
>> I really like how I get a warning for variables I’ve declared, but have
>> not mutated, or constants that I did not read.
>> What about warnings for anything not accessed outside its declared scope,
>> encouraging the use of *private*, or *fileprivate* more often?
>> -Dave
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