> On Jan 13, 2017, at 12:47, Max Moiseev via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

> DoubleWidth
> The DoubleWidth<T> type allows to create wider fixed-width integer types from 
> the ones available in the standard library.
> Standard library currently provides fixed-width integer types of up to 64 
> bits. A value of DoubleWidth<Int64> will double the range of the underlying 
> type and implement all the FixedWidthInteger requirements. Please note though 
> that the implementation will not necessarily be the most efficient one, so it 
> would not be a good idea to use DoubleWidth<Int32>instead of a built-in Int64.

What about having a "CompoundBinaryInteger<T,U>" type, and then do "typealias 
DoubleWidth<T> = CompoundBinaryInteger<T,T>"? That would make it easier to 
have, say, 40-bit ints, "CompoundBinaryInteger<Int8,Int32>", while still having 
the convenience of "DoubleWidth<T>".

- Dave Sweeris
swift-evolution mailing list

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