> On 31 Jan 2017, at 20:53, Max Moiseev via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Hi Brent,
> Thanks a lot for your suggestions! After having discussed them with Dave, we 
> came up with the following design that I personally like a lot.
> enum Overflowing { case .withOverflow }
> enum FullWidth { case .fullWidth }
> protocol FixedWidthInteger {
>  func adding(_ other: Self, _: Overflowing) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: 
> ArithmeticOverflow)
>  func subtracting(_ other: Self, _: Overflowing) -> (partialValue: Self, 
> overflow: ArithmeticOverflow)
>  func multiplied(by other: Self, _: Overflowing) -> (partialValue: Self, 
> overflow: ArithmeticOverflow)
>  func divided(by other: Self, _: Overflowing) -> (partialValue: Self, 
> overflow: ArithmeticOverflow)
>  func multiplied(by other: Self, _: FullWidth) -> DoubleWidth<Self>
>  func dividing(_ other: DoubleWidth<Self>, _: FullWidth) -> (quotient: Self, 
> remainder: Self)
> }
> Call sites would look like:
> x.multiplied(by: y, .withOverflow) and x.multiplied(by: y, .fullWidth)
> a little different for the division:
> x.divided(by: y, .withOverflow) and y.dividing(x, .fullWidth)
> Note the inverse-ness of `dividing`, but the lack of the argument label makes 
> it quite natural.

While I applaud the ingenuity behind this solution, it seems an odd thing to 
do, and I wonder if it's something that might become obsolete in the future?

I mean, since the purpose of this is just to select the correct method 
declaration, then the more "correct" way to do this would be using labelled 
Void arguments, but of course these aren't as neat right now:

        protocol FixedWithInteger {
                func adding(_ other:Self, withOverflow:Void) -> 
(partialValue:Self, overflow:ArithmeticOverflow)

        x.add(y, withOverflow:())

This uses the method's label to avoid the need to declare enums purely for 
selection. The problem is of course that the syntax isn't that great because of 
the extraneous :(). It would be better if we could just do x.add(y, 
withOverflow:), but that might be ambiguous because using labels without values 
is how we select labelled functions (e.g- let f = adding(:withOverflow:) would 
select the method).

I'm just wondering if there's a change to labelled void arguments that we could 
make that would allow that style to be used instead? It just feels to me like 
using a labelled Void is the "proper" way to achieve what is needed, and that 
using enums just because it isn't possible right now is something that could 
become obsolete in future.

- Haravikk
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