Is there any reason we should keep holding back from giving Discourse a 
**real** try?

Most arguments I read were pointed at filtering/flagging issues, or at how the 
focus of the discussions could change. I’ve only tried Discourse once, but to 
the best of my knowledge, it totally addresses the first issue. As for how the 
discussions would change, while I personally seriously doubt it, no one can 
definitively say it will or won’t go this path unless we try. I also read some 
concerns about email addresses being released in the wild, but maybe we could 
use some alias until something more official is set up.

Apparently I’m not the only one who thinks the benefits largely outweigh the 
drawbacks, so at least let’s give it a real try. Besides, I think we could (or 
even **should**) go forward with that test before we think about voting and/or 
how to vote. It could very well confirm/invalidate most of the “imho” arguments.

Aren’t we all somehow familiar with the benefits of testing? =D

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